Bundle adhoc-dev:16.0-t-28284-vib
Version 16.0
Create date 2023-02-07 15:30:02.421806
ingadhoc-hr:46cb8641 from base: 16.0

ingadhoc-product:8bbba1e0 found in branch 494 +2 -4 ( 2 ) ( 1 ahead , 0 behind )
Subject: [MIG] product_management_group: Migration to 16.0
Author: Virginia Bonservizi ( <vib@adhoc.com.ar> )
Committer: Nicolas Mac Rouillon ( <nmr@adhoc.com.ar> )
Commit date: 2023-02-07 15:03:59

ingadhoc-sale:f6bc0580 from base: 16.0

INFO -- Batch forced by Administrator
INFO -- Using batch 5109 to define missing commits
INFO -- Batch done