Bundle adhoc-dev:16.0-T-31974-MAQ
Version 16.0
Create date 2023-07-12 19:30:04.371330
ingadhoc-hr:46cb8641 from base: 16.0

ingadhoc-sale:4cc179f4 from base: 16.0

ingadhoc-odoo-argentina-ee:3b3bce66 found in branch 227 +57 -1 ( 5 ) ( 1 ahead , 1 behind )
Subject: [IMP] Add amount filters in account reconciliation widget The purpose of this PR is to help the reconciliation when I have a lot of lines. When selecting a st during reconciliation the widget will filter the account lines of the same amount. We also added filters for close and smaller amounts.
Author: Martin Quinteros ( <maq@adhoc.com.ar> )
Commit date: 2023-07-12 19:29:44

INFO -- Skipping dead branch 425
INFO -- Using batch 10440 to define missing commits
INFO -- Batch done