Bundle adhoc-dev:17.0-16.0-h-67319-lav-OOSr-fw
Version 17.0
Create date 2023-11-15 11:23:32.777363
ingadhoc-hr:b8612456 from base: 17.0

ingadhoc-sale:8a8c8dd0 found in branch 725 +118 -0 ( 4 ) ( 1 ahead , 0 behind )
Subject: [ADD] portal_distributor_sale_exception: add a record rule to portal user
Author: lav-adhoc ( <lav@adhoc.com.ar> )
Committer: Nicolas Mac Rouillon ( <nmr@adhoc.com.ar> )
Commit date: 2023-11-15 11:23:18

Demo x Verticales
All (sin tests) DEPRECIADO
INFO -- Using batch 33969 to define missing commits
INFO -- Batch done