Bundle adhoc-dev:17.0-h-72835-mem
Version 17.0
Create date 2024-08-08 15:15:36.287437
ingadhoc-argentina-sale:0d62df7f found in branch 178 +12 -26 ( 3 ) ( 2 ahead , 0 behind )
Subject: [ADD] l10n_ar_sale_order_type: Se traslada funcionalidad
Author: Maximiliano Mezzavilla ( <mem@adhoc.com.ar> )
Commit date: 2024-08-08 15:15:49

ingadhoc-hr:33dfbfc0 from base: 17.0

ingadhoc-sale:0615e94a from base: 17.0

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INFO -- New head on branch 178 during throttle phase: Replacing commit a6fe2775d95b1d7c0d8dace52d1655b91b20c1d7 with 0d62df7fb4886030c880d4c303b2f8c0f2e53e3c
INFO -- Using batch 54096 to define missing commits
INFO -- Batch done