Bundle adhoc-dev:18.0-mig-sale_timesheet_ux
Version 18.0
Create date 2024-12-06 13:07:59.562931
ingadhoc-sale:acafb1f9 found in branch 1023 +14 -19 ( 8 ) ( 1 ahead , 0 behind )
Subject: [MIG] sale_timesheet_ux: Migration to 18.0
Author: docker-odoo ( <docker-odoo@example.com> )
Committer: mav-adhoc ( <mav@adhoc.com.ar> )
Commit date: 2024-12-06 13:08:27

INFO -- New head on branch 1023 during throttle phase: Replacing commit e7089f78b541ae51291c7519fd884fecbd8b6e97 with 87fc53b2a2a4e3a1ba00c2b24d29d677c60f3179
INFO -- New head on branch 1023 during throttle phase: Replacing commit 87fc53b2a2a4e3a1ba00c2b24d29d677c60f3179 with acafb1f93b28b7199bd4df4e62fa2575a2a1f316
INFO -- Using batch 71801 to define missing commits
INFO -- Batch done