Bundle adhoc-dev:18.0-43373-pam
Version 18.0
Create date 2024-12-20 19:35:26.674985
sipreco-odoo-argentina:114cd0e7 found in branch 1003 +0 -0 ( 0 ) ( 0 ahead , 0 behind )
Subject: [FIX] l10n_ar_tax: l10n_ar_code on tax form view and l10n_ar_state_id field on model res.country.state Task: 1) Make l10n_ar_code field visible on tax form view because is needed for vat withholding and perceptions applied when sicore_aplicado txt is generated. 2) l10n_ar_state_id field does not exist on model res.country.state. The bug was introduced here https://github.com/ingadhoc/odoo-argentina/commit/a7deb299006f334491fd2c21f3971124cfaff89a#diff-99c97e49d76ce120e4e6b9a7ec8d9d742870b6d2644d18804a7ec1e2c333b38aR16
Author: Pablo Montenegro ( <pam@adhoc.com.ar> )
Commit date: 2024-12-20 19:34:06

WARNING -- No base head found for repo sipreco-odoo-argentina
INFO -- No reference batch found to fill missing commits
INFO -- Batch done