Bundle adhoc-dev:15.0-h-57881-kz
Version 15.0
Create date 2023-04-27 20:06:25.680074
odoo-argentina-ce-account-financial-tools:f5ec9dde found in branch 407 +8 -4 ( 1 ) ( 1 ahead , 0 behind )
Subject: [FIX] account_interests: not able to create debit note
Author: Katherine Zaoral ( <kz@adhoc.com.ar> )
Commit date: 2023-04-27 20:06:45

Odoo AR CE
INFO -- New head on branch 407 during throttle phase: Replacing commit f6b7da479ea91fbec7f8d14fe4e64e9267e61527 with f5ec9ddecd952f686e4be79e06fb38255dd3acb8
INFO -- Skipping dead branch 671
INFO -- Using batch 8259 to define missing commits
INFO -- Batch done