Bundle adhoc-dev:16.0-T-30996-V2-MAQ
Version 16.0
Create date 2023-05-29 21:20:56.599959
ingadhoc-hr:46cb8641 from base: 16.0

ingadhoc-multi-company:9dc5e2db found in branch 126 +104 -43 ( 9 ) ( 3 ahead , 0 behind )
Subject: [DEL] Elimino modulo que no estan fializado para poner en produccion website_multicompany
Author: Martin Quinteros ( <maq@adhoc.com.ar> )
Commit date: 2023-05-29 21:21:11

ingadhoc-sale:c6e3724b from base: 16.0

INFO -- New head on branch 126 during throttle phase: Replacing commit a3fae02a2ed9bddca8c94eaf094011edd46f6e9d with 9dc5e2db384126f863c7c15ad2ff7911b6c993e4
INFO -- Using batch 9285 to define missing commits
INFO -- Batch done