Head: 7c3cd6d0fc343fb71d4458875ed41b1cf67dc8ef
Target Branch 16.0
Pr title [FIX] sale_exception_credit_limit: credit taken consideration
Ref Date SHA Commit Date Author Subject
2023-06-05 12:14:11 43a20c901989211711dc79ff5206bb52331715a9 2023-06-05 12:12:01 jok-adhoc [FIX] sale_exception_credit_limit: credit taken consideration It was not counting draft invoices if they had a sale order linked. Also happened with downpayments.
2023-06-26 13:28:30 7c3cd6d0fc343fb71d4458875ed41b1cf67dc8ef 2023-06-26 13:28:21 jok-adhoc [FIX] sale_exception_credit_limit: credit taken consideration It was not counting draft invoices if they had a sale order linked. Also happened with downpayments.