Head: a51f1b72b2fc97ec7f0fb71d54ea99203c0c58c8
Ref Date SHA Commit Date Author Subject
2023-01-10 19:59:48 e85fd79a43f4de61e5f026e3519d59830139b0d3 2022-12-23 12:34:15 Virginia Bonservizi [IMP] hide fields in product.template tree views for group_portal_distributor
2023-01-20 16:46:32 1237996db38bdf470c97b1438b7b5bf1578c9ec8 2023-01-20 16:46:28 ADHOC - Bot [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-15-0
2023-01-31 20:38:35 482510fbb2b061c683718544967e8fc765e1be2e 2023-01-31 20:36:14 José Antonio Keh [ADD]sale_stock_ux: Mass cancellation of remaining quantities
2023-02-06 17:04:38 a342dbddf43b0cebea389933d04ba58bf2b1c1e8 2023-02-06 17:02:30 Juani Rivero [FIX]sale_barcode: order line creation on scan
2023-02-10 18:01:01 2d0c0007d5f5d9ffb6c85808b659ee8465e9e785 2023-02-10 17:58:05 filoquin [FIX] FIX sale report: Request is not available in cron excutions. (E.G. SO payment confirmation)
2023-02-14 14:51:24 cbf076addba1b64ee859fa7846ac81964f64d82d 2023-02-14 14:49:18 Katherine Zaoral [ADD] sale_stock_ux: force to update invoice report view
2023-08-29 14:22:15 1fef1fee1896d45d18015e10da67db6f233a4020 2023-08-29 14:20:06 jok-adhoc [IMP]sale_ux: allow any user on invoice with group_allow_any_user_as_salesman
2024-03-14 18:46:03 a51f1b72b2fc97ec7f0fb71d54ea99203c0c58c8 2024-03-14 18:43:03 matiasperalta1 Revert "[FIX] report quotation: Fix when image column is displayed"