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Head: | 80a9de2e0b3baad41c262e33869fa90f7d98bd34 |
Bundle: |
Ref Date | SHA | Commit Date | Author | Subject |
2023-10-19 18:35:50 | a5cd0fe700610dc860c6025d8337a6c4a372dba4 | 2023-10-03 15:35:40 | docker-odoo | [FIX] l10n_uy_edi: Fix en linea de descuento |
2023-10-19 18:35:57 | e17f1b49427e70fc612414e891e408bbd7a15371 | 2023-10-19 18:35:53 | adhoc-cicd-bot | [UPD] Initialize version 17.0 |
2023-10-26 22:47:54 | a5cd0fe700610dc860c6025d8337a6c4a372dba4 | 2023-10-03 15:35:40 | docker-odoo | [FIX] l10n_uy_edi: Fix en linea de descuento |
2023-10-26 22:48:06 | 55b1e3ecb1cdb8c85ae56e9319961b7eeb3d2752 | 2023-10-26 22:47:59 | adhoc-cicd-bot | [UPD] Initialize version 17.0 |
2023-10-31 15:11:46 | d2b0da236ee8188f73c67ef13754215fee345753 | 2023-10-31 15:11:40 | Maximiliano Mezzavilla | [ADD] l10n_uy_edi: Nuevas disposiciones de DGI |
2023-11-02 20:15:40 | 2e852f0f3e6d17f87c3d706e98f504e627f27919 | 2023-11-02 20:15:32 | fw-bot-adhoc | [ADD] l10n_uy_account: add document types e-Boleta de entrada and Contingency e-Boleta (#161) |
2023-11-13 17:11:03 | 299328839c65ba6cd912bc0e0fe086d3fd868a16 | 2023-11-13 17:10:55 | Pablo Montenegro | [ADD] l10n_uy_edi: agregar tests unitarios validador de numero de documento uy |
2023-11-23 14:57:30 | c5428e0f8420d8a558502ace614a943e2492f478 | 2023-11-23 14:55:27 | Maximiliano Mezzavilla | [ADD] l10n_uy_edi: The indexed unit rate is matched to the invoice date |
2023-12-04 20:16:35 | 4cea9c0bf1a62ab23f89fc13995b13e90690a98a | 2023-12-04 20:14:24 | Katherine Zaoral | [FIX] l10n_uy_edi: min UI when using other currencies. |
2023-12-11 14:11:45 | b14d2cb9cd2106bd8ed51e1c4c7518b8cbfa80f9 | 2023-12-11 14:09:33 | Katherine Zaoral | [FIX] l10n_uy_edi: traceback last document number |
2023-12-12 14:30:17 | 66fe5f7fccb45dbc2cc2148213d016ce2262b7b1 | 2023-12-12 14:28:00 | Pablo Montenegro | [FIX] l10n_uy_edi: campo DescuentoMonto en xml a Uruware |
2024-01-26 17:48:27 | 54d08f8745c5e30598e26ffab5c136b590e88366 | 2024-01-26 17:46:29 | Maximiliano Mezzavilla | [MIG] l10n_uy_currency_update: Migration to 17.0 |
2024-02-02 18:16:07 | 2b503baf4505942c3d0a340dd128593a31b0dd28 | 2024-02-02 18:14:11 | Katherine Zaoral | [ADD] l10n_uy_edi_stock: renamed field |
2024-02-20 19:00:37 | 348ef504c906f0affac990d22761fe51367fc48f | 2024-02-20 18:58:37 | Katherine Zaoral | [FIX] l10n_uy_edi: PDF Legal Report |
2024-05-07 11:29:57 | 51c783239c8b9d61a5a8c1fef80c1a226fd2b46a | 2024-05-07 11:27:04 | Katherine Zaoral | [IMP] l10n_uy_edi: Vendor Bills sync from Uruware |
2024-05-08 19:22:24 | ceabf5d92e3cf0fbadde75580617dfee63dbc282 | 2024-05-08 19:19:28 | Pablo Montenegro | [FW][IMP] l10n_uy_edi: en readme indicar cómo dar de alta acción para activar notificaciones |
2024-05-21 10:42:28 | 01bd2f9961ed085e4af1ee858093d39c63eb56d5 | 2024-05-21 10:38:52 | Katherine Zaoral | [ADD] l10n_uy_edi: do not encode latin the cfe xml |
2024-06-11 19:00:11 | 26f1856e7d9032b7efa787c854be4725f2835ecd | 2024-06-10 20:10:55 | Pablo Montenegro | [FIX] l10n_uy_edi: crear pdf factura de proveedor uruguaya. |
2024-06-11 19:09:01 | 94826bd1f34cdf02817e3ee7896f1638c3d55bd6 | 2024-06-11 19:06:52 | Pablo Montenegro | [IMP] l10n_uy_edi: informar a qué compañía no se puedo conectar con Uruware |
2024-06-19 11:45:38 | acfdb0f1f22f327f68df416f5bf8722c5d233db6 | 2024-06-19 11:42:24 | docker-odoo | [FIX] l10n_uy_edi: Posting customer invoice with an invoice line without product and without label. |
2024-06-27 14:49:31 | 5cae32bfb085351d3c47a1c0c6ed32143fae5549 | 2024-06-27 14:46:23 | Maximiliano Mezzavilla | [ADD] l10n_uy_edi: Adapting the zeep library |
2024-07-02 19:00:17 | 74df0c8744811696d43965160ffefb9b2a915cf0 | 2024-07-02 18:58:17 | Pablo Montenegro | [FIX] l10n_uy_edi/l10n_uy_account: check sequence only for sale journals. |
2024-07-31 13:25:26 | fe499101ab9a51896d34b819c2cc6a25439e9b07 | 2024-07-31 13:22:57 | Katherine Zaoral | [FIX] l10n_uy_currency_update: utransport |
2024-07-31 14:17:07 | bce47ef020827e218e0dd0c8c97a30a9a0e8068f | 2024-07-31 14:14:34 | Katherine Zaoral | [MIG] l10n_uy_account: version 17 |
2024-07-31 14:23:40 | fcd16a5c31ed31aaf3c1913623873584d1f982ff | 2024-07-31 14:21:12 | Maximiliano Mezzavilla | [ADD] l10n_uy_currency_update: Re-adaptamos modulo |
2024-07-31 15:10:41 | 6f5f5856d9b2e8e3f133dd1aca60ab056bd711e2 | 2024-07-31 15:02:49 | Maximiliano Mezzavilla | [MIG] l10n_uy_reports: Migration to 17.0 |
2024-08-06 07:18:24 | 60cda728aae7375c6bd7f241c1e4863406f86f9b | 2024-08-06 07:18:16 | ADHOC - Bot | [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-17-0 |
2024-09-24 21:01:19 | 7bcc5bafe1fc5be09632f16bc5f3bdf0d0f66f3a | 2024-09-24 21:00:06 | Maximiliano Mezzavilla | [FIX] l10n_uy_currency_update: Agregamos un label por error en migracion |
2024-09-27 18:46:37 | 7f6e29da127802f10342d55dc184b5fb4fc0f832 | 2024-09-27 18:46:33 | ADHOC - Bot | [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-17-0 |
2024-10-03 13:01:49 | e92a4745f92a785e14c42d02e8a5d4b5aa02ac0d | 2024-10-03 12:59:31 | Katherine Zaoral | [ADD] l10n_uy_currency_update: actiave and fix unit test |
2024-10-09 14:27:11 | 578ce1619a4cedc9c5f1095fe5fdf2e2309565d8 | 2024-10-09 14:25:02 | Juan José Scarafia | [REM] deprecate github workflow no longer needed |
2024-11-15 12:26:41 | 74f9dcd978e03f4cb2f463572b7015e591171084 | 2024-11-15 12:24:28 | Katherine Zaoral | ajustes pablito |
2024-11-19 21:44:43 | 0a1df90f1c57059089a0051a96cfb289ca031af6 | 2024-11-19 21:43:56 | Katherine Zaoral | [ADD] l10n_uy_ux: new module |
2024-11-27 20:19:22 | 83a8b3f2af687b5bf862b89507bdd1490cc7f6e6 | 2024-11-27 20:17:02 | Pablo Montenegro | [FIX] l10n_uy_reports: formulario 2-181. |
2024-11-28 13:53:58 | b839569e575f6f16fb1f613acdd849e0316bf8c6 | 2024-11-28 13:50:32 | Katherine Zaoral | [FIX] l10n_uy_ux: auto install if UY EDI |
2024-12-05 15:18:41 | 14e3bcd938abbc951788537c38080eed127e8efc | 2024-12-05 15:18:32 | ADHOC - Bot | [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-17-0 |
2024-12-20 20:37:07 | f6ff55f8d4f0491e5950057185abc95a5960c347 | 2024-12-20 20:34:50 | Rocío Vega | [FIX] l10n_uy_ux: Delete the extra character in the warning message |
2025-01-15 14:45:47 | 719e2939fed5eee626581e62676bca05dd2985c6 | 2025-01-15 14:43:33 | Julia Elizondo | [FIX] l10n_uy_ux: set auto pop-up S&P default value as True for electronic sales journals |
2025-01-17 12:56:04 | f29aabadcb792e8d5c07d522404994ee7b8a3e30 | 2025-01-16 22:48:16 | ADHOC - Bot | [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-17-0 |
2025-01-17 15:23:39 | feab63881d67465f1bd8b81b4dd573592bbc009d | 2025-01-17 15:21:20 | Julia Elizondo | [FIX] l10n_uy_ux: deleted cast str () in error response |
2025-01-20 20:30:29 | a92564ca6ff285c7c0757d79885ba0e6b33ca52f | 2025-01-20 20:28:30 | Julia Elizondo | [FIX] l10n_uy_ux: added internal_type for E-Resguardos |
2025-01-22 14:34:57 | 4c29446a59d3c449557dcf00c714a3b504de895f | 2025-01-22 14:31:18 | Katherine Zaoral | [ADD] l10n_uy_ux: Fix banners PDF |
2025-01-23 12:04:44 | 893ac8d433d243e29f613f3a894dce1ce7a7242b | 2025-01-23 12:02:37 | Katherine Zaoral | [FIX] l10n_uy_ux: Re-Print PDF on demo mode |
2025-01-29 20:00:45 | 66bac3cf57913f69758ae5f7ccdf60450e110a0b | 2025-01-29 19:58:46 | Pablo Montenegro | [IMP] l10n_uy_ux: plantilla de email en diarios electrónicos uruguayos |
2025-02-19 13:06:50 | 80a9de2e0b3baad41c262e33869fa90f7d98bd34 | 2025-02-19 13:03:50 | Julia Elizondo | [FIX] l10n_uy_ux: auto pop up S&P checked in demo data |