Head: 36b56498980c8f705589657fb2e28e14bbd10b35
Target Branch 16.0
Pr title [IMP] l10n_ar_account_withholding: allow register manually padron arba if the is an error while connecting to arba
Ref Date SHA Commit Date Author Subject
2023-10-26 12:01:49 9e8e5024977a15f5e66736076c7463a26460eabb 2023-10-26 11:53:46 Pablo Montenegro [IMP] l10n_ar_account_withholding: allow register manually padron arba if the is an error while connecting to arba Task: 31361 Allow to give the user the opportunity to register manually padron arba not only if arba is down or out of service, also if there is other error type.
2023-10-26 12:02:49 32c0cf45772c198510506f62d39e097f8cd50f3b 2023-10-26 12:02:33 Pablo Montenegro [IMP] l10n_ar_account_withholding: allow register manually padron arba if the is an error while connecting to arba Task: 31361 Allow to give the user the opportunity to register manually padron arba not only if arba is down or out of service, also if there is other error type.
2023-11-10 12:11:44 36b56498980c8f705589657fb2e28e14bbd10b35 2023-11-10 12:11:40 Pablo Montenegro [IMP] l10n_ar_account_withholding: allow register manually padron arba if the is an error while connecting to arba Task: 31361 Allow to give the user the opportunity to register manually padron arba not only if arba is down or out of service, also if there is other error type.