Head: 4bae8849ec8e4d71174e013c3e9ada4e5790be64
Target Branch 17.0
Pr title [FIX] account_multicompany_ux: Correct behavior of name_search with a single company when having this module installed
Ref Date SHA Commit Date Author Subject
2024-07-25 14:53:25 f57ca7707ff670a35f7cd50d5a908faaedcf70d8 2024-07-25 14:39:42 Rocío Vega [FIX] account_multicompany_ux: Correct behavior of name_search with a single company when having this module installed
2024-07-31 14:16:58 4bae8849ec8e4d71174e013c3e9ada4e5790be64 2024-07-31 14:16:35 Rocío Vega [FIX] account_multicompany_ux: Correct behavior of name_search with a single company when having this module installed