Head: 72a69ba7b30d7f7689315d34e55379ddf6b76ea6
Target Branch 16.0
Pr title [IMP] account_withholding: only show asset_current and liability_current accounts
Ref Date SHA Commit Date Author Subject
2024-07-26 17:43:38 33dfcc2c532228ee4a7b7da43407eec4950a8d75 2024-07-26 17:43:01 Camila [IMP] account_withholding: only show asset_current and liability_current accounts
2024-07-26 18:17:52 5f5dcd94264a7730dc085818c0a9ef3ddac5aac2 2024-07-26 18:16:30 Camila [IMP] account_withholding: only show ret/perc accounts
2024-07-26 19:28:09 72a69ba7b30d7f7689315d34e55379ddf6b76ea6 2024-07-26 19:27:32 Camila [IMP] account_withholding: only show asset_current and liability_current accounts