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Head: | eedde0f1bb828dbd8962ad1e5b137d2710f45030 |
Bundle: |
Ref Date | SHA | Commit Date | Author | Subject |
2024-09-27 19:20:15 | 08f51c9358ad77cd9c694d84045e478f28e82cd1 | 2024-09-27 19:20:07 | Diego Bollini | [UPD] Initialize version 18.0 |
2024-10-25 14:19:54 | 873b99524ab7e5dd6ff069bbdd8b7c6cdca5a3cb | 2024-10-25 14:17:40 | docker-odoo | [MIG] project_my_tasks_by_stage: Migration to 18.0 |
2024-11-15 14:18:14 | e4ed44b4ee2935a25300d6b24dbd0e3287075758 | 2024-11-15 14:16:08 | Mariana Santa Clara | [MIG] project_ux: Migration to 18.0 |
2024-12-06 04:18:30 | b90b6a0317c433216f1a779234f72c07e8edbf8e | 2024-12-06 04:18:24 | ADHOC - Bot | [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-18-0 |
2025-02-05 18:42:18 | eedde0f1bb828dbd8962ad1e5b137d2710f45030 | 2025-02-05 18:39:02 | mav-adhoc | [18.0][ADD] pre-commit |