Head: e803a2946e6f16b0278658b460f1b29efee19a7f
Ref Date SHA Commit Date Author Subject
2023-01-10 19:40:39 569dbd6ce5194a9f205e8a937f5da91c6051d955 2022-12-26 19:41:24 Juan Jose Scarafia [FIX] report_aeroo: remove ir.translation methods Borramos estos metodos que requieren re adaptar pero que en realidad nunca usabamos
2023-01-19 10:40:31 eea351ecc7bb31cad1d80daf73fe53894cdb4b40 2023-01-19 10:36:56 nicolas [IMP] report_aeroo: Remove auto wizard config after installation
2023-01-20 18:34:26 c6ae41412a3f80a8c9c9adf2984f7190e22687c3 2023-01-20 18:34:20 ADHOC - Bot [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-16-0
2023-04-17 21:29:25 6a8ee0a3b46eb9053db661947bb26e62fd13f8cf 2023-04-17 21:29:17 ADHOC - Bot [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-16-0
2023-05-05 14:49:34 e7cdf7fb0b5cf6e3266067bf4732561bb3985233 2023-05-05 14:45:59 matiasperalta1 [FIX] report_aeroo: add an import of http
2023-05-10 18:19:17 f15b14cd77273e5685d39d4adf9d904e3f1b72ee 2023-05-10 18:16:02 nicolas [FIX] report_aeroo & base_report_to_printer_aeroo: add other param for render aeroo
2023-05-19 16:48:50 1a7090377404ff3e8fb7b12af33db765bb891d4b 2023-05-19 16:46:49 nicolas [FIX] report_aeroo: We use sudo to avoid rights errors.
2023-08-01 14:53:11 a9a7359b5e0358b14f037e0d4b3e992abb1d85d5 2023-08-01 14:51:08 matiasperalta1 [MIG] base_report_to_printer_aeroo: Migration to 16.0
2024-03-04 13:48:11 59053bc5c687107006b644394c428076bdbac783 2024-03-04 13:46:09 Bruno Zanotti [IMP] report_aeroo: new option 'attachment'
2024-03-05 17:49:23 420bcfe32be448f39fb5b03914298130748046a1 2024-03-05 17:47:24 Bruno Zanotti [FIX] aeroo_report: add options create=True+
2024-04-15 13:12:49 363afaec8daf8b7455e0c8a793bc8fed7d86c3d3 2024-04-15 13:10:42 augusto-weiss [FIX] aeroo_report: get_lang from environment
2024-08-13 19:09:00 1ca3368cbc33665ef0b646efae608766d26f30e0 2024-08-13 19:07:58 docker-odoo [IMP] aeroo_reports: making the doc generation sync
2024-10-28 17:22:25 2488a43832759de8d8b090c350e31c95ce91092b 2024-10-28 17:22:20 ADHOC - Bot [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-16-0
2024-12-16 12:44:24 e803a2946e6f16b0278658b460f1b29efee19a7f 2024-12-16 12:42:08 Juan José Scarafia [REM] deprecated report_aeroo_sample module