Head: 5ad12b23dd967be5a487e144f652f4a2d7832601
Ref Date SHA Commit Date Author Subject
2023-10-19 19:29:21 780811888c457837e58dd177d68c3099e94fd1e9 2023-10-12 00:15:44 Juan José Scarafia [REF] account_multicompany_ux: allow reverse entry from other company
2023-10-19 19:29:29 41293ed313783407073ff43ba3ad30116e15cf4a 2023-10-19 19:29:22 adhoc-cicd-bot [UPD] Initialize version 17.0
2023-10-26 22:38:18 780811888c457837e58dd177d68c3099e94fd1e9 2023-10-12 00:15:44 Juan José Scarafia [REF] account_multicompany_ux: allow reverse entry from other company
2023-10-26 22:38:24 e5642d164531d7841e0214e06895bc4958a520b0 2023-10-26 22:38:18 adhoc-cicd-bot [UPD] Initialize version 17.0
2023-12-04 13:34:07 1c2a390f4e3f32a17061dccfe09bf066ea419bd1 2023-12-04 13:32:00 Rocío Vega [FIX] payment_multic_ux: add decorator to create..
2024-01-15 12:34:06 3148ba7c795691f8c1f02a53513fc280fe0b9b2c 2024-01-15 12:31:59 Pablo Montenegro [MIG] payment_multic_ux: Migration to 17.0
2024-01-15 12:44:17 b76f4de0d12d32886493fdb191f962f25e703f52 2024-01-15 12:41:41 Pablo Montenegro [MIG] website_multicompany: Migration to 17.0
2024-01-16 14:38:26 692e77d5183d1c42d3cb898ac5a53e849d10dc75 2024-01-16 14:38:19 ADHOC - Bot [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-17-0
2024-02-29 15:39:47 caa21ba1da4769fef74072ad00e9ed22a2c8c239 2024-02-29 15:37:09 Lara [MIG] website_sale_multic_ux: Migration to 17.0
2024-03-08 15:00:04 dea41fab9220e0532cdb611bdcc7721dc3b42d92 2024-03-08 14:57:57 Maximiliano Mezzavilla [MIG] repair_multicompany_ux: Migration to 17.0
2024-03-11 21:14:02 fa4d774d778aff94289c3f85867404825928d9ab 2024-03-11 21:11:01 Pablo Montenegro [IMP] account_multicompany_ux: document type when company is changed.
2024-03-21 17:15:47 d453b7f07a6e3374e831035e87063c588cefc983 2024-03-21 17:15:41 Martin Quinteros [MIG] website_sale_stock_multicompany: Migration to 17.0
2024-03-21 17:57:36 ed1826f3cada8fee1b734dd90e7caf4b2f4bbc7c 2024-03-21 17:55:31 Martin Quinteros [FIX] FIX _get method in ir.default
2024-04-18 15:01:37 819cc42561f7d203361a7862989c640bb7e0e8a8 2024-04-18 15:01:32 Martin Quinteros [IMP] Add domain into account prooperty field [FIX] Add description in mixin model
2024-04-19 13:29:56 bee7af3ab86ea27f22924f1fd6d9de3d1804ac39 2024-04-19 13:27:56 Rocío Vega [FIX] account_accountant_ux: allow to modify draft invoice company to a foreign company
2024-04-23 11:51:38 f7c88fd573c7b46b9ec012ea47072fb5846d5c61 2024-04-23 11:49:44 Pablo Montenegro [IMP] account_multicompany_ux: eliminar métodos innecesarios y invoice_payment_term_id en wizard
2024-05-22 20:21:22 da8244d1749902f4ded1e1115345da3b10ab2510 2024-05-22 20:19:23 docker-odoo [FIX] account_multic_ux: company context key
2024-06-28 12:20:36 a5a4816fcad40173447556fd16e98f642dafa365 2024-06-28 12:18:35 Juan José Scarafia [FIX] _multicompany_ux: avoid double "parenthesis"
2024-07-03 11:50:27 9e7dedeab66845c21e7be081ebf24f503c77d8c8 2024-07-03 11:49:31 Rocío Vega [FIX] account_multicompany_ux: Fix in account move line when change it the company
2024-07-26 12:06:02 b1056de4b6792bd67ebba0f72b7ed5a11b78f439 2024-07-26 12:03:56 augusto-weiss [FIX] payment_multic_ux: odoo rename method
2024-07-26 14:37:44 ceacfcc762998889e3c8ed79a433ba59bf09b6fb 2024-07-26 14:35:44 augusto-weiss [FIX] payment_multic_ux: odoo rename method
2024-07-31 15:16:36 e836e903d77ae9eb502233d244f416bcf3be09cf 2024-07-31 15:13:57 Rocío Vega [FIX] account_multicompany_ux: Correct behavior of name_search with a single company when having this module installed
2024-08-03 13:28:25 cf3c2490a0f7e34e48b61a8aa67f091b46ccb8cc 2024-08-03 13:28:20 Martin Quinteros [FIX] Change company in website payment form
2024-08-06 01:48:50 a24650e7f38b0c22ca2a62786fbb6a8ec31365bb 2024-08-06 01:48:44 ADHOC - Bot [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-17-0
2024-08-07 12:26:41 b5ff5efb659743796dec53a8706a1a934fefb3b4 2024-08-07 12:25:34 augusto-weiss [FIX] payment_multic_ux: revert _inverse_journal_id in provider
2024-08-13 20:34:20 2f9f856357f43f477a764425864f016bb8720c77 2024-08-13 20:34:18 Rocío Vega [FIX] account_multicompany_ux: Fix when having a payment_term set with more than one account move line and try to change the company
2024-09-11 20:33:27 d3014489359d6bf21e90e639753d2eedff96d540 2024-09-11 20:31:25 augusto-weiss [REM] payment_multic_ux: mig script
2024-09-26 19:18:55 4305c32df56b9a26a58235375c3818b7ae5d4a1a 2024-09-26 19:18:50 ADHOC - Bot [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-17-0
2024-11-20 11:51:50 16e3695ddf2cc530a4a84abee0e0e1a5d5366266 2024-11-20 11:48:53 Rocío Vega [FIX] account_multicompany_ux: FIX in computing partner_bank_id in changing company.
2024-11-21 21:16:28 97ba078b0e1ebd7cfa84a0a29dd03ed26c684239 2024-11-21 21:13:05 Rocío Vega [FIX] account_multicompany_ux: skip _sync_dynamic_lines when changing a company
2024-11-22 12:02:00 e082bc928a0c56a3000ceb2edc04d537aafb3a46 2024-11-22 11:58:41 Rocío Vega [FIX] account_mulricompany_ux: FIX in unit test
2024-12-05 15:52:23 eef8f9c8dcb563eac5e44aee5a56deb7ad603819 2024-12-04 22:18:16 ADHOC - Bot [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-17-0
2025-01-18 08:48:35 5ad12b23dd967be5a487e144f652f4a2d7832601 2025-01-18 08:48:24 ADHOC - Bot [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-17-0