Head: 30c6fd54af70bc01e3b86f391a88585770fd70e7
Target Branch 17.0
Pr title [MIG] sale_order_type_ux: Migration to 17.0
Ref Date SHA Commit Date Author Subject
2023-12-11 19:15:36 1c2625c08cce925511ba164867fb92f561043e23 2023-12-11 19:15:15 Matias Peralta [MIG] sale_order_type_ux: Migration to 17.0
2023-12-14 13:15:09 4dea9089ae3add304ec7bfce7fb9a31439c2899f 2023-12-14 13:15:01 Matias Peralta [MIG] sale_order_type_ux: Migration to 17.0
2023-12-19 18:17:39 720a01f925d1da3d38dd85a0cb835bbfaafc034f 2023-12-19 18:17:24 Matias Peralta [MIG] sale_order_type_ux: Migration to 17.0
2023-12-19 18:20:56 c383b3a6aba7aa3f12548c4b7e06132b7a4307a9 2023-12-19 18:20:42 Matias Peralta [MIG] sale_order_type_ux: Migration to 17.0
2023-12-22 14:18:20 05fdd61554eb960d7c8c5da8c0392be15b1ed5f2 2023-12-22 14:17:38 Matias Peralta [MIG] sale_order_type_ux: Migration to 17.0
2023-12-26 19:15:04 30c6fd54af70bc01e3b86f391a88585770fd70e7 2023-12-26 19:14:54 Matias Peralta [MIG] sale_order_type_ux: Migration to 17.0