Branch ingadhoc/enterprise-extensions:tmp.16.0 not starting with version name (15.0)
Branch ingadhoc/odoo-public-administration:tmp.16.0 not starting with version name (15.0)
Branch ingadhoc/account-payment:tmp.16.0 not starting with version name (15.0)
Branch ingadhoc/aeroo_reports:tmp.16.0 not starting with version name (15.0)
Branch ingadhoc/miscellaneous:tmp.16.0 not starting with version name (15.0)
Branch ingadhoc/odoo-argentina-ee:tmp.16.0 not starting with version name (15.0)
Branch ingadhoc/account-financial-tools:tmp.16.0 not starting with version name (15.0)
Branch ingadhoc/stock:tmp.16.0 not starting with version name (15.0)
Branch ingadhoc/odoo-argentina:tmp.16.0 not starting with version name (15.0)