Name | 66a544924e5ab296628536de2f433886b78c42b5 |
Repo | ingadhoc-ingadhoc-odoo-saas-adhoc2 |
Subject | [FIX] For requesting check status on odoo, when the cron left the request still waiting for the response on error or done |
Date | 2025-02-19 19:11:06 |
Author | Nicolas Mac Rouillon <> |
2025-02-19 20:02:19 | ci/runbot-oba | success | build 126224 |
2025-02-19 19:47:11 | ci/runbot-modified-modules | success | build 126225 |
2025-02-19 19:11:20 | ingadhoc/odoo-saas-adhoc | tmp.18.0 |
2025-02-19 19:12:10 | ingadhoc/odoo-saas-adhoc | staging.18.0 |
2025-02-19 19:13:14 | ingadhoc/odoo-saas-adhoc | tmp.18.0 |
2025-02-19 19:13:14 | ingadhoc/odoo-saas-adhoc | 18.0 |
2025-02-19 20:02:19 | ci/runbot-oba | success | build 126224 |
2025-02-19 19:47:11 | ci/runbot-modified-modules | success | build 126225 |
2025-02-19 19:14:19 | ci/runbot-modified-modules | pending | build 126225 |
2025-02-19 19:14:19 | ci/runbot-oba | pending | build 126224 |