Description: Odoo By Adhoc 16
Commit: ingadhoc-stock:330bfe73  
Subject: [IMP] Add stock_currency_valuation module
Author: Martin Quinteros
Committer: Martin Quinteros
Commit: ingadhoc-account-payment:2115a807  
Subject: [FIX] account_cashbox: Remove obsolete unique constraint from account_cashbox_session due to new constraint added in
Author: Rocío Vega
Committer: Rocío Vega
Commit: ingadhoc-sale:65eed032  
Subject: [FIX] sale_gathering: fix invoice in 0 discounting gathering
Author: Franco Leyes
Committer: Franco Leyes
Commit: ingadhoc-ingadhoc-demo:e3b78021  
Subject: [FIX] demo_full: test product for tour
Author: Camila Vives
Committer: Camila Vives
Commit: plugberry-payment:4a041ea3  
Subject: Merge pull request #47 from plugberry/16.0-T-425891-maq
Author: augusto-weiss
Committer: GitHub
Commit: ingadhoc-delivery:0457b4a8  
Subject: [IMP]delivery_andreani: set prod endpoint for rate req
Author: Alexis Lopez
Committer: Alexis Lopez
Commit: ingadhoc-odoo-argentina:f26a1941  
Subject: [FIX] l10n_ar_ux: cambio en vista l10n_ar.custom_header.
Author: Pablo Montenegro
Committer: Pablo Montenegro
Commit: ingadhoc-uruguay:32dfe559  
Subject: [FIX] l10n_uy_edi: Problemas con la desc del producto de mas de 80 caract.
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: Maximiliano Mezzavilla
Commit: ingadhoc-enterprise-extensions:353edfb2  
Subject: [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-16-0
Author: ADHOC - Bot
Committer: ADHOC - Bot
Commit: ingadhoc-website:b12760ce  
Subject: [ADD] website_sale_attributes_on_top: add new module
Author: Franco Leyes
Committer: Franco Leyes
Commit: ingadhoc-ingadhoc-odoo-saas-adhoc2:5bb079c1  
Subject: [IMP] saas_client_account: prevent using enable provider in testing purpose environment
Author: augusto-weiss
Committer: augusto-weiss
Commit: ingadhoc-miscellaneous:3b9b091c  
Subject: [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-16-0
Author: ADHOC - Bot
Committer: ADHOC - Bot
Commit: ingadhoc-odoo-argentina-ee:634354e8  
Subject: [FIX] l10n_ar_account_tax_settlement: las percepciones en notas de débito las informamos sin letra.
Author: Pablo Montenegro
Committer: Pablo Montenegro
Commit: ingadhoc-account-financial-tools:92cd5052  
Subject: [IMP] account_payment_term_surcharge: add improvement in cron_recurring_surcharges_invoices
Author: Rocío Vega
Committer: Rocío Vega
Commit: ingadhoc-argentina-sale:ecf23475  
Subject: [FIX] l10n_ar_sale_order_type: fix checkbook and sequence
Author: Matias Peralta
Committer: Matias Peralta
Commit: ingadhoc-ingadhoc-odoo-saas:be01cbbf  
Subject: Revert "[IMP] saas_client: Add method to process fields changes in upgrade process"
Author: Nicolas Mac Rouillon
Committer: Juan José Scarafía
Commit: plugberry-mercadopago:cf1eb8e5  
Subject: [FIX] payment_mercadopago: response get id
Author: augusto-weiss
Committer: augusto-weiss
Commit: plugberry-pagos360:f138ac98  
Subject: [IMP] payment_pagos360: revert payments from pagos360
Author: augusto-weiss
Committer: augusto-weiss
Commit: ingadhoc-aeroo_reports:1ca3368c  
Subject: [IMP] aeroo_reports: making the doc generation sync
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: “Andres
Commit: ingadhoc-purchase:f2347d04  
Subject: [FIX] purchase_stock_ux: user_id assignment on PO
Author: Celina Devigili
Committer: Celina Devigili
Commit: ingadhoc-third-party-apps:0488a9ed  
Subject: [UPD]shopify: add last changes
Author: Alexis Lopez
Committer: Alexis Lopez
Commit: ingadhoc-partner:a393190f  
Subject: [FIX] partner_state: access to res_partner for public_users
Author: mav-adhoc
Committer: mav-adhoc
Commit: ingadhoc-multi-company:7cb8895b  
Subject: [FIX] payment_multic_ux: revert _inverse_journal_id in provider
Author: augusto-weiss
Committer: augusto-weiss
Commit: ingadhoc-product:59263113  
Subject: [FIX] product_uoms_purchase: target correct field in inherited view
Author: Alexis Lopez
Committer: Alexis Lopez
Commit: ingadhoc-account-invoicing:403390a5  
Subject: [FIX] account_background_post: set background_post to false when copy invoice
Author: Camila
Committer: Camila
Commit: ingadhoc-project:4183dd51  
Subject: [ADD] project_ux: tasks stages page in project form
Author: mav-adhoc
Committer: mav-adhoc
Commit: ingadhoc-multi-store:44af7531  
Subject: [FIX] _pay_group_ms: pay choosing custom debt
Author: Juan José Scarafia
Committer: Juan José Scarafia
Commit: ingadhoc-hr:46cb8641  
Subject: [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-16-0
Author: ADHOC - Bot
Committer: ADHOC - Bot
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-account-analytic:d28b8098  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/511/head' of into 16.0-9127
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-website:6f2f6269  
Subject: [BOT] post-merge updates
Author: OCA-git-bot
Committer: OCA-git-bot
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-web:949fc071  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-account-reconcile:6adc7507  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Author: Rodrigo Sottomaior Macedo
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-purchase-workflow:d1c75ca8  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/1814/head' of into 16.0-9233
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-project:8ed45f43  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-odoo-odoo:8b0a2de2  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/112460/head' of into 16.0-9260
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-brand:82336864  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Author: Rodrigo Macedo
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-bank-statement-import:2e0ef0a2  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Author: Peter Romão
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-crm:78298329  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-odoo-design-themes:6c83a27a  
Subject: [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex
Author: Odoo Translation Bot
Committer: Odoo Translation Bot
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-e-commerce:fe107c35  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/694/head' of into 16.0-9170
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-odoo-enterprise:fd1e254b  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/36994/head' of into 16.0-9261
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-hr-expense:170f04e0  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Portuguese)
Author: Peter Romão
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-stock-logistics-workflow:c3a00f16  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/1642/head' of into 16.0-9116
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-stock-logistics-warehouse:2e1e234e  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/1769/head' of into 16.0-9142
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-knowledge:da81ac19  
Subject: [BOT] post-merge updates
Author: OCA-git-bot
Committer: OCA-git-bot
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-management-system:12e9881b  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/571/head' of into 16.0-9203
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-manufacture:1f34d36b  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (German)
Author: jans23
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-mis-builder:0d79f5dc  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-partner-contact:52f198ab  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-product-attribute:ba8e83e9  
Subject: [BOT] post-merge updates
Author: OCA-git-bot
Committer: OCA-git-bot
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-report-print-send:c37c3709  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-reporting-engine:279d873d  
Subject: [BOT] post-merge updates
Author: OCA-git-bot
Committer: OCA-git-bot
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-sale-workflow:6a5dcc24  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/2683/head' of into 16.0-9069
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-server-backend:d598cb43  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-server-auth:fc906889  
Subject: Merge PR #691 into 16.0
Author: OCA-git-bot
Committer: OCA-git-bot
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-server-tools:cc1a5576  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-server-ux:d55713af  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-stock-logistics-barcode:69b9ef72  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-stock-logistics-request:43a5fa57  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-social:f9a11432  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/1020/head' of into 16.0-9289
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-stock-logistics-availability:952ec808  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Author: Florencia Frigieri
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-product-pack:41b4905b  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/114/head' of into 16.0-9232
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-l10n-spain:77e0950a  
Subject: [BOT] post-merge updates
Author: OCA-git-bot
Committer: OCA-git-bot
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-account-invoicing:b9788c53  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-timesheet:fff331b5  
Subject: [BOT] post-merge updates
Author: OCA-git-bot
Committer: OCA-git-bot
Version: 16.0
Config: Adhoc Conf con tests
Total time: 18m
Date Level Type Message
2024-10-28 13:02:22 INFO runbot Init build environment with config Adhoc Conf con tests
2024-10-28 13:02:22 Starting step base from config Adhoc Conf con tests
2024-10-28 13:02:22 INFO runbot Using Dockerfile Tag odoo:adhoc-odoo-16
2024-10-28 13:02:53 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 1 modules loaded in 8.37s, 9027 queries (+9027 extra)
2024-10-28 13:03:04 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 14 modules loaded in 4.54s, 5292 queries (+5292 extra)
2024-10-28 13:03:05 Step base finished in 39s
2024-10-28 13:03:05 Starting step all from config Adhoc Conf con tests
2024-10-28 13:03:05 INFO runbot Using Dockerfile Tag odoo:adhoc-odoo-16
2024-10-28 13:03:25 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 1 modules loaded in 8.35s, 9027 queries (+9027 extra)
2024-10-28 13:10:29 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:41 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: (UY) Company
2024-10-28 13:11:18 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:18 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:18 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:18 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:18 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:18 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:18 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:18 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:19 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:19 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:21 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:21 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:21 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:21 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:23 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:23 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:23 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:23 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:23 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:23 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:29 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:29 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:29 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:29 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:29 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:29 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:29 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:29 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:29 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:29 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:35 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:35 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:35 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:35 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:35 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:35 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:35 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:35 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:35 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:35 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:35 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:35 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:41 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:41 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:41 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:41 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:41 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:41 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:47 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:47 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:47 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:47 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:47 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:47 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:47 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:47 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:47 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:47 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:53 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:53 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:53 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:53 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:53 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:53 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:59 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:59 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:59 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:59 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:59 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:59 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:59 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:59 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:59 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:59 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:59 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:11:59 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:12:05 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:12:05 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:12:05 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:41 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: (UY) Company
2024-10-28 13:12:05 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:12:05 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:12:05 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:12:05 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:12:05 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:12:05 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:12:11 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:12:11 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:12:11 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:12:11 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:12:11 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:12:11 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:12:17 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:12:17 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:12:17 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:12:17 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:12:17 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:12:17 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:12:17 Log limit reached (full logs are still available in the log file)
2024-10-28 13:20:33 INFO runbot Getting results for build 86465-16-0
2024-10-28 13:20:33 Step all finished in 17m
2024-10-28 13:20:33 Starting step setup from config Adhoc Conf con tests
2024-10-28 13:20:33 INFO runbot Using Dockerfile Tag odoo:adhoc-odoo-16
2024-10-28 13:20:35 INFO runbot Step setup finished in 1s
2024-10-28 13:20:35 Starting step run from config Adhoc Conf con tests
2024-10-28 13:20:35 INFO runbot Start running build 86465-16-0
2024-10-28 13:20:35 INFO runbot Using Dockerfile Tag odoo:adhoc-odoo-16
2024-10-28 13:20:38 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 1 modules loaded in 0.01s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2024-10-28 13:20:38 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 14 modules loaded in 0.15s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2024-10-28 13:23:26 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 1 modules loaded in 0.01s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2024-10-28 13:23:32 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 1 modules loaded in 0.01s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2024-10-28 13:23:38 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 640 modules loaded in 10.72s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2024-10-28 13:23:38 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:23:38 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:23:38 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 640 modules loaded in 8.65s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2024-10-28 13:23:38 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:23:38 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:25:07 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 1 modules loaded in 0.01s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2024-10-28 13:25:25 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 640 modules loaded in 6.95s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2024-10-28 13:25:25 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:25:25 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-28 13:39:16 WARNING server odoo.models:6311 onchange method PurchaseOrderLine.onchange_product_id returned a domain, this is deprecated
2024-10-28 13:40:06 WARNING server odoo.http:2083 Debe proporcionar un número de lote/serie para los productos Test AVCO USD.
2024-10-28 13:41:38 WARNING server odoo.http:2083 Debe proporcionar un número de lote/serie para los productos Test AVCO USD.
2024-10-28 15:44:00 INFO runbot Kill build 86465-16-0
2024-10-31 15:44:56 Waking up build
2024-10-31 15:44:56 INFO runbot Start running build 86465-16-0
2024-10-31 15:45:06 INFO runbot Using Dockerfile Tag odoo:adhoc-odoo-16
2024-10-31 15:45:13 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 1 modules loaded in 0.01s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2024-10-31 15:45:13 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 14 modules loaded in 0.10s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2024-10-31 15:45:13 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 1 modules loaded in 0.01s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2024-10-31 15:45:13 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 1 modules loaded in 0.01s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2024-10-31 15:45:19 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 640 modules loaded in 4.88s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2024-10-31 15:45:19 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-31 15:45:19 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-31 15:45:19 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 640 modules loaded in 4.85s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2024-10-31 15:45:25 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-31 15:45:25 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-31 15:45:25 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: 
                WITH visitor AS (
            INSERT INTO website_visitor (
                partner_id, access_token, last_connection_datetime, visit_count, lang_id,
                website_id, timezone, write_uid, create_uid, write_date, create_date, country_id)
            VALUES (
                3, 3, now() at time zone 'UTC', 1, 1,
                1, 'America/Buenos_Aires', 2, 2,
                now() at time zone 'UTC', now() at time zone 'UTC', (
                    SELECT id FROM res_country WHERE code = NULL
            ON CONFLICT (access_token)
            DO UPDATE SET
                visit_count = CASE WHEN website_visitor.last_connection_datetime < NOW() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' - INTERVAL '8 hours'
                                    THEN website_visitor.visit_count + 1
                                    ELSE website_visitor.visit_count
            RETURNING id, CASE WHEN create_date = now() at time zone 'UTC' THEN 'inserted' ELSE 'updated' END AS upsert
        , '' AS url, 4 AS page_id
                ), track AS (
                    INSERT INTO website_track (visitor_id, url, page_id, visit_datetime)
                    SELECT id, url, page_id::integer, now() at time zone 'UTC' FROM visitor
                SELECT id, upsert from visitor;
ERROR: could not serialize access due to concurrent update
2024-10-31 15:45:47 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 1 modules loaded in 0.01s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2024-10-31 15:45:52 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 640 modules loaded in 4.51s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2024-10-31 15:45:52 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.template.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-31 15:45:52 WARNING server odoo.fields:529 Field product.product.valuation_currency_id: unknown parameter 'currency_field', if this is an actual parameter you may want to override the method _valid_field_parameter on the relevant model in order to allow it
2024-10-31 16:11:46 WARNING server odoo.models:6311 onchange method PurchaseOrderLine.onchange_product_id returned a domain, this is deprecated
2024-10-31 16:12:04 WARNING server odoo.http:2083 Debe proporcionar un número de lote/serie para los productos test producto avco.
2024-10-31 19:33:26 INFO runbot Kill build 86465-16-0
2024-11-06 16:12:45 Waking up build
2024-11-06 16:12:45 INFO runbot Start running build 86465-16-0
2024-11-06 16:12:57 INFO runbot Using Dockerfile Tag odoo:adhoc-odoo-16
2024-11-06 16:13:04 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 1 modules loaded in 0.01s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2024-11-06 16:13:04 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 14 modules loaded in 0.11s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2024-11-06 21:02:38 INFO runbot Kill build 86465-16-0