Description: Odoo By Adhoc 16
Commit: ingadhoc-ingadhoc-odoo-saas:afd67f72  
Subject: [ADD][IMP] saas_client: Improve in 'exp_saas_run_upgrade_util_method' error management
Author: Joaquin Arroyo
Committer: Nicolas Mac Rouillon
Commit: ingadhoc-account-financial-tools:415f7d30  
Subject: [REF]account_ux: Blocks sending email when is not set in partner_id
Author: Felipe Garcia Suez
Committer: Felipe Garcia Suez
Commit: ingadhoc-delivery:e2cea9f2  
Subject: [IMP] delivery_andreani: support for b2b shipments
Author: augusto-weiss
Committer: augusto-weiss
Commit: ingadhoc-argentina-sale:d8c7a4df  
Subject: [FIX] l10n_ar_sale: Sale sequence
Author: Katherine Zaoral
Committer: Katherine Zaoral
Commit: ingadhoc-odoo-argentina-ee:480c3f67  
Subject: [IMP] l10n_ar_account_tax_settlement: update inflation indexes
Author: Pablo Montenegro
Committer: Pablo Montenegro
Commit: ingadhoc-uruguay:3e4725e8  
Subject: [FIX] l10n_uy_edi: avoid special caracters to appear in pdf invoices when copy-pasting text on adendas
Author: Julia Elizondo
Committer: Julia Elizondo
Commit: ingadhoc-ingadhoc-odoo-saas-adhoc2:76b83495  
Subject: [IMP] saas_client_adhoc: improvement in company count
Author: Virginia
Committer: Virginia
Commit: ingadhoc-odoo-argentina:fcb57246  
Subject: [FIX] l10n_ar_account_withholding: error al cargar factura
Author: Pablo Montenegro
Committer: Pablo Montenegro
Commit: ingadhoc-stock:7ff62863  
Subject: [BP]stock_landed_costs_ux: backport in 16.0
Author: mav-adhoc
Committer: mav-adhoc
Commit: ingadhoc-sale:f0afbda1  
Subject: Revert "[FIX] sale_three_discounts: recalculation when changing pricelist"
Author: Franco Leyes
Committer: Franco Leyes
Commit: ingadhoc-third-party-apps:d7bb396c  
Subject: [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-16-0
Author: ADHOC - Bot
Committer: ADHOC - Bot
Commit: ingadhoc-account-payment:11533a52  
Subject: [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-16-0
Author: ADHOC - Bot
Committer: ADHOC - Bot
Commit: ingadhoc-miscellaneous:0d208403  
Subject: [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-16-0
Author: ADHOC - Bot
Committer: ADHOC - Bot
Commit: ingadhoc-enterprise-extensions:cd757a27  
Subject: [FIX] sale_subscription_loyalty_ux: fix in method for cupon
Author: Lara
Committer: Lara
Commit: ingadhoc-aeroo_reports:e803a294  
Subject: [REM] deprecated report_aeroo_sample module
Author: Juan José Scarafia
Committer: Juan José Scarafia
Commit: plugberry-payment:06d411f8  
Subject: [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-16-0
Author: ADHOC - Bot
Committer: ADHOC - Bot
Commit: plugberry-mercadopago:013ca4dc  
Subject: [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-16-0
Author: ADHOC - Bot
Committer: ADHOC - Bot
Commit: ingadhoc-website:521b3e49  
Subject: [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-16-0
Author: ADHOC - Bot
Committer: ADHOC - Bot
Commit: ingadhoc-purchase:d5d6f612  
Subject: [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-16-0
Author: ADHOC - Bot
Committer: ADHOC - Bot
Commit: ingadhoc-product:22e6d43c  
Subject: [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-16-0
Author: ADHOC - Bot
Committer: ADHOC - Bot
Commit: ingadhoc-multi-store:9465eb7d  
Subject: [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-16-0
Author: ADHOC - Bot
Committer: ADHOC - Bot
Commit: ingadhoc-multi-company:539df8e1  
Subject: [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-16-0
Author: ADHOC - Bot
Committer: ADHOC - Bot
Commit: ingadhoc-account-invoicing:9cbd5a30  
Subject: [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-16-0
Author: ADHOC - Bot
Committer: ADHOC - Bot
Commit: ingadhoc-ingadhoc-demo:d0057e54  
Subject: [FIX] demo_full: Fix in tours when choosing Deco Adict.
Author: Rocío Vega
Committer: Rocío Vega
Commit: ingadhoc-project:11002887  
Subject: [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-16-0
Author: ADHOC - Bot
Committer: ADHOC - Bot
Commit: ingadhoc-partner:1b093797  
Subject: [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-16-0
Author: ADHOC - Bot
Committer: ADHOC - Bot
Commit: ingadhoc-hr:911f27b2  
Subject: [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-16-0
Author: ADHOC - Bot
Committer: ADHOC - Bot
Commit: plugberry-pagos360:f138ac98  
Subject: [IMP] payment_pagos360: revert payments from pagos360
Author: augusto-weiss
Committer: augusto-weiss
Commit: adhoc-cicd-odoo-odoo:ef4d4158  
Subject: [IMP] l10n_es_edi_sii: add cancellation
Author: Josse Colpaert
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-bank-statement-import:e3833896  
Subject: Update translation files
Author: Weblate
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-odoo-design-themes:6681d6cc  
Subject: [FIX] test_themes: prepare restoring the website switcher
Author: qsm-odoo
Committer: qsm-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-crm:619ddd43  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-e-commerce:8846c41c  
Subject: [BOT] post-merge updates
Author: OCA-git-bot
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-odoo-enterprise:2f6dfcf6  
Subject: [FIX] documents: add attachment's attachments when splitting
Author: Walid (wasa)
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-hr-expense:1a12f3d2  
Subject: [BOT] post-merge updates
Author: OCA-git-bot
Committer: OCA-git-bot
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-stock-logistics-workflow:3e78775b  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-stock-logistics-warehouse:1b311c75  
Subject: [BOT] post-merge updates
Author: OCA-git-bot
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-knowledge:6bece12e  
Subject: [BOT] post-merge updates
Author: OCA-git-bot
Committer: OCA-git-bot
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-management-system:1b92a3a6  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Swedish)
Author: jakobkrabbe
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-mis-builder:c2fc9de8  
Subject: [BOT] post-merge updates
Author: OCA-git-bot
Committer: OCA-git-bot
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-manufacture:5c81b280  
Subject: [BOT] post-merge updates
Author: OCA-git-bot
Committer: OCA-git-bot
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-partner-contact:6f72f6c7  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-product-attribute:d98e41ec  
Subject: Update translation files
Author: Weblate
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-report-print-send:8df7dfd8  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-reporting-engine:9de6ebeb  
Subject: [BOT] post-merge updates
Author: OCA-git-bot
Committer: OCA-git-bot
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-sale-workflow:46c5a39d  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/2683/head' of into 16.0-11856
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-server-backend:0a325e29  
Subject: [BOT] post-merge updates
Author: OCA-git-bot
Committer: OCA-git-bot
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-server-auth:73267a8e  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-server-tools:b5aaba09  
Subject: [BOT] post-merge updates
Author: OCA-git-bot
Committer: OCA-git-bot
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-server-ux:492ec301  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-stock-logistics-barcode:4373e829  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-stock-logistics-request:58c9fdcf  
Subject: [BOT] post-merge updates
Author: OCA-git-bot
Committer: OCA-git-bot
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-social:79b8ef9b  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-stock-logistics-availability:c4fa5d9f  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (French)
Author: samibc2c
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-account-analytic:eae92777  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-account-reconcile:ba613249  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Author: Víctor Martínez
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-project:b5c5ad50  
Subject: [BOT] post-merge updates
Author: OCA-git-bot
Committer: OCA-git-bot
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-product-pack:b46df097  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (French)
Author: samibc2c
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-l10n-spain:77e0950a  
Subject: [BOT] post-merge updates
Author: OCA-git-bot
Committer: OCA-git-bot
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-account-invoicing:b05f02e3  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-brand:1d68684a  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-website:7eaca9e8  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-web:af6a9b21  
Subject: Added translation using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-timesheet:c7f4e8f3  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (French)
Author: hugues de keyzer
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-purchase-workflow:b07962f4  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/1814/head' of into 16.0-11854
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Version: 16.0
Config: Adhoc Conf con tests
Total time: 21m
Date Level Type Message
2025-01-21 12:42:22 INFO runbot Init build environment with config Adhoc Conf con tests
2025-01-21 12:42:22 Starting step base from config Adhoc Conf con tests
2025-01-21 12:42:22 INFO runbot Using Dockerfile Tag odoo:adhoc-odoo-16
2025-01-21 12:42:52 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:305 1 modules loaded in 8.32s, 9046 queries (+9046 extra)
2025-01-21 12:43:05 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:305 14 modules loaded in 4.45s, 5292 queries (+5292 extra)
2025-01-21 12:43:06 Step base finished in 38s
2025-01-21 12:43:06 Starting step all from config Adhoc Conf con tests
2025-01-21 12:43:06 INFO runbot Using Dockerfile Tag odoo:adhoc-odoo-16
2025-01-21 12:43:31 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:305 1 modules loaded in 8.74s, 9046 queries (+9046 extra)
2025-01-21 12:52:38 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:41 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: (UY) Company
2025-01-21 12:54:29 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:41 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: (UY) Company
2025-01-21 12:57:10 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:41 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: (UY) Company
2025-01-21 12:57:10 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_ar_currency_update.models.res_company:47 Currency Provider configured as AFIP for next companies: (AR) Exento
2025-01-21 12:57:16 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:41 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: (UY) Company
2025-01-21 12:57:16 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_ar_currency_update.models.res_company:47 Currency Provider configured as AFIP for next companies: (AR) Exento, (AR) Monotributista
2025-01-21 12:57:22 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:41 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: (UY) Company
2025-01-21 12:57:22 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_ar_currency_update.models.res_company:47 Currency Provider configured as AFIP for next companies: (AR) Exento, (AR) Monotributista, (AR) Responsable Inscripto
2025-01-21 12:57:37 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_ar_edi.models.res_company:216 Setting demo certificate from to OdooCert5 in (AR) Responsable Inscripto company
2025-01-21 12:57:37 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_ar_edi.models.res_company:216 Setting demo certificate from to OdooCert4 in (AR) Monotributista company
2025-01-21 12:57:37 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_ar_edi.models.res_company:216 Setting demo certificate from to OdooCert10 in (AR) Exento company
2025-01-21 12:59:23 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:305 658 modules loaded in 946.09s, 351327 queries (+355711 extra)
2025-01-21 12:59:23 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:305 659 modules loaded in 1.29s, 245 queries (+245 extra)
2025-01-21 12:59:29 INFO server odoo.addons.base.models.ir_qweb:305 Pregenerating assets bundles
2025-01-21 13:00:23 INFO server 61 bundle(s) were copied for website 1
2025-01-21 13:00:29 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:41 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: Muebleria UY
2025-01-21 13:00:29 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_ar_currency_update.models.res_company:47 Currency Provider configured as AFIP for next companies: (AR) Exento, Muebleria ARG, company_2_data
2025-01-21 13:00:31 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:41 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: Muebleria UY
2025-01-21 13:00:31 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_ar_currency_update.models.res_company:47 Currency Provider configured as AFIP for next companies: (AR) Exento, Muebleria ARG, company_1_data, company_2_data
2025-01-21 13:00:41 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:41 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: Muebleria UY
2025-01-21 13:00:41 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_ar_currency_update.models.res_company:47 Currency Provider configured as AFIP for next companies: (AR) Exento, (AR) Monotributista (Unit Tests), (AR) Responsable Inscripto (Unit Tests), Muebleria ARG, company_2_data
2025-01-21 13:01:41 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:41 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: Muebleria UY
2025-01-21 13:01:41 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_ar_currency_update.models.res_company:47 Currency Provider configured as AFIP for next companies: (AR) Exento, Muebleria ARG, company_2_data
2025-01-21 13:01:47 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:41 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: Muebleria UY
2025-01-21 13:01:47 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_ar_currency_update.models.res_company:47 Currency Provider configured as AFIP for next companies: (AR) Exento, Muebleria ARG, company_1_data, company_2_data
2025-01-21 13:01:53 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:41 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: Muebleria UY
2025-01-21 13:01:53 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_ar_currency_update.models.res_company:47 Currency Provider configured as AFIP for next companies: (AR) Exento, (AR) Monotributista (Unit Tests), (AR) Responsable Inscripto (Unit Tests), Muebleria ARG, company_2_data
2025-01-21 13:03:22 INFO runbot Getting results for build 113635-16-0
2025-01-21 13:03:22 Step all finished in 20m
2025-01-21 13:03:22 Starting step setup from config Adhoc Conf con tests
2025-01-21 13:03:22 INFO runbot Using Dockerfile Tag odoo:adhoc-odoo-16
2025-01-21 13:03:24 INFO runbot Step setup finished in 1s
2025-01-21 13:03:24 Starting step run from config Adhoc Conf con tests
2025-01-21 13:03:24 INFO runbot Start running build 113635-16-0
2025-01-21 13:03:24 INFO runbot Using Dockerfile Tag odoo:adhoc-odoo-16
2025-01-21 13:03:27 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:305 1 modules loaded in 0.01s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2025-01-21 13:03:27 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:305 14 modules loaded in 0.12s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2025-01-21 14:25:33 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:305 1 modules loaded in 0.01s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2025-01-21 14:25:39 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:305 659 modules loaded in 0.42s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2025-01-21 14:25:45 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: DELETE FROM "account_fiscal_position" WHERE id IN (41, 40)
ERROR: update or delete on table "account_fiscal_position" violates foreign key constraint "account_move_fiscal_position_id_fkey" on table "account_move"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(41) is still referenced from table "account_move".
2025-01-21 14:25:45 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: DELETE FROM "account_fiscal_position" WHERE id IN (41)
ERROR: update or delete on table "account_fiscal_position" violates foreign key constraint "account_move_fiscal_position_id_fkey" on table "account_move"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(41) is still referenced from table "account_move".
2025-01-21 14:26:53 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: DELETE FROM "account_tax" WHERE id IN (198, 197, 196, 195, 194, 193, 192, 191, 190, 189, 188, 187, 186, 185, 184)
ERROR: update or delete on table "account_tax" violates foreign key constraint "account_move_line_tax_line_id_fkey" on table "account_move_line"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(192) is still referenced from table "account_move_line".
2025-01-21 14:26:53 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: DELETE FROM "account_tax" WHERE id IN (198, 197, 196, 195, 194, 193, 192)
ERROR: update or delete on table "account_tax" violates foreign key constraint "account_move_line_tax_line_id_fkey" on table "account_move_line"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(192) is still referenced from table "account_move_line".
2025-01-21 14:26:53 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: DELETE FROM "account_tax" WHERE id IN (195, 194, 193, 192)
ERROR: update or delete on table "account_tax" violates foreign key constraint "account_move_line_tax_line_id_fkey" on table "account_move_line"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(192) is still referenced from table "account_move_line".
2025-01-21 14:26:53 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: DELETE FROM "account_tax" WHERE id IN (193, 192)
ERROR: update or delete on table "account_tax" violates foreign key constraint "account_move_line_tax_line_id_fkey" on table "account_move_line"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(192) is still referenced from table "account_move_line".
2025-01-21 14:26:53 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: DELETE FROM "account_tax" WHERE id IN (192)
ERROR: update or delete on table "account_tax" violates foreign key constraint "account_move_line_tax_line_id_fkey" on table "account_move_line"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(192) is still referenced from table "account_move_line".
2025-01-21 14:26:53 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: DELETE FROM "account_tax" WHERE id IN (191, 190, 189, 188, 187, 186, 185, 184)
ERROR: update or delete on table "account_tax" violates foreign key constraint "account_move_line_tax_line_id_fkey" on table "account_move_line"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(184) is still referenced from table "account_move_line".
2025-01-21 14:26:53 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: DELETE FROM "account_tax" WHERE id IN (191, 190, 189, 188)
ERROR: update or delete on table "account_tax" violates foreign key constraint "account_move_line_tax_line_id_fkey" on table "account_move_line"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(190) is still referenced from table "account_move_line".
2025-01-21 14:26:53 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: DELETE FROM "account_tax" WHERE id IN (191, 190)
ERROR: update or delete on table "account_tax" violates foreign key constraint "account_move_line_tax_line_id_fkey" on table "account_move_line"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(190) is still referenced from table "account_move_line".
2025-01-21 14:26:53 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: DELETE FROM "account_tax" WHERE id IN (190)
ERROR: update or delete on table "account_tax" violates foreign key constraint "account_move_line_tax_line_id_fkey" on table "account_move_line"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(190) is still referenced from table "account_move_line".
2025-01-21 14:26:53 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: DELETE FROM "account_tax" WHERE id IN (187, 186, 185, 184)
ERROR: update or delete on table "account_tax" violates foreign key constraint "account_move_line_tax_line_id_fkey" on table "account_move_line"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(184) is still referenced from table "account_move_line".
2025-01-21 14:26:53 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: DELETE FROM "account_tax" WHERE id IN (185, 184)
ERROR: update or delete on table "account_tax" violates foreign key constraint "account_move_line_tax_line_id_fkey" on table "account_move_line"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(184) is still referenced from table "account_move_line".
2025-01-21 14:26:53 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: DELETE FROM "account_tax" WHERE id IN (184)
ERROR: update or delete on table "account_tax" violates foreign key constraint "account_move_line_tax_line_id_fkey" on table "account_move_line"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(184) is still referenced from table "account_move_line".
2025-01-21 14:26:53 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: DELETE FROM "res_company" WHERE id IN (6)
ERROR: update or delete on table "res_company" violates foreign key constraint "res_users_company_id_fkey" on table "res_users"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(6) is still referenced from table "res_users".
2025-01-21 14:26:59 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: DELETE FROM "res_partner" WHERE id IN (96)
ERROR: update or delete on table "res_partner" violates foreign key constraint "res_company_partner_id_fkey" on table "res_company"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(96) is still referenced from table "res_company".
2025-01-21 14:26:59 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: DELETE FROM "account_tax_group" WHERE id IN (90, 89, 88, 87, 86, 85, 84, 83, 82, 81, 80, 79, 78)
ERROR: update or delete on table "account_tax_group" violates foreign key constraint "account_tax_tax_group_id_fkey" on table "account_tax"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(78) is still referenced from table "account_tax".
2025-01-21 14:26:59 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: DELETE FROM "account_tax_group" WHERE id IN (84, 83, 82, 81, 80, 79, 78)
ERROR: update or delete on table "account_tax_group" violates foreign key constraint "account_tax_tax_group_id_fkey" on table "account_tax"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(78) is still referenced from table "account_tax".
2025-01-21 14:26:59 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: DELETE FROM "account_tax_group" WHERE id IN (81, 80, 79, 78)
ERROR: update or delete on table "account_tax_group" violates foreign key constraint "account_tax_tax_group_id_fkey" on table "account_tax"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(78) is still referenced from table "account_tax".
2025-01-21 14:26:59 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: DELETE FROM "account_tax_group" WHERE id IN (79, 78)
ERROR: update or delete on table "account_tax_group" violates foreign key constraint "account_tax_tax_group_id_fkey" on table "account_tax"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(78) is still referenced from table "account_tax".
2025-01-21 14:26:59 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: DELETE FROM "account_tax_group" WHERE id IN (79)
ERROR: update or delete on table "account_tax_group" violates foreign key constraint "account_tax_tax_group_id_fkey" on table "account_tax"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(79) is still referenced from table "account_tax".
2025-01-21 14:26:59 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: DELETE FROM "account_tax_group" WHERE id IN (78)
ERROR: update or delete on table "account_tax_group" violates foreign key constraint "account_tax_tax_group_id_fkey" on table "account_tax"
DETAIL:  Key (id)=(78) is still referenced from table "account_tax".
2025-01-21 14:26:59 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:305 1 modules loaded in 0.01s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2025-01-21 14:27:05 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:305 648 modules loaded in 0.39s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2025-01-21 14:28:09 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:305 1 modules loaded in 0.01s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2025-01-21 14:28:09 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:305 648 modules loaded in 0.30s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2025-01-21 14:51:37 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: DELETE FROM ir_attachment WHERE id IN (
            SELECT id FROM ir_attachment WHERE id in (1615) FOR NO KEY UPDATE SKIP LOCKED
ERROR: could not serialize access due to concurrent update
2025-01-22 04:51:10 WARNING server odoo.addons.base.models.ir_qweb:2052 Found deprecated directive @t-raw='toc.get_facetFilters()' in template 2951. Replace by @t-out, and explicitely wrap content in `Markup` if necessary (which likely is not the case)
2025-01-22 07:50:42 WARNING server odoo.addons.base.models.ir_qweb:2052 Found deprecated directive @t-raw='toc.get_facetFilters()' in template 2951. Replace by @t-out, and explicitely wrap content in `Markup` if necessary (which likely is not the case)
2025-01-22 14:18:35 INFO runbot Kill build 113635-16-0