Description: demo_base
Commit: ingadhoc-third-party-apps:f001c8b7  
Subject: [REF] ks_dashboard_ninja: update to latest available version
Author: jok-adhoc
Committer: Juan José Scarafía
Commit: ingadhoc-miscellaneous:d05cd8e6  
Subject: [FIX] portal_timesheet: add new record rules
Author: Celina Devigili
Committer: Celina Devigili
Commit: ingadhoc-odoo-argentina-ee:44505a89  
Subject: Revert "[ADD] l10n_ar_edi_ux: mejora de rendimiento en actualizacion masiva de partners"
Author: Pablo Montenegro
Committer: Pablo Montenegro
Commit: ingadhoc-sale:03592200  
Subject: [FIX] sale_exception_credit_limit: take into account the amounts returned
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: ingadhoc-argentina-sale:e3eb4288  
Subject: [FIX] l10n_ar_sale: error al hacer vista previa de pedido de venta
Author: Pablo Montenegro
Committer: Pablo Montenegro
Commit: ingadhoc-enterprise-extensions:bbfca977  
Subject: [ADD] sale_loyalty_domain: allow to set a domain based on sale order data for promotions
Author: Lara
Committer: Lara
Commit: ingadhoc-ingadhoc-odoo-saas:6d0cad0d  
Subject: [FIX] saas_provider: regex warning
Author: Juan José Scarafia
Committer: Juan José Scarafía
Commit: ingadhoc-ingadhoc-odoo-saas-adhoc2:2b2727f4  
Subject: [IMP] saas_client_adhoc: new cron to notify partner about news not readed [IMP] saas_client_adhoc: add new method for update partner notification
Author: Matias Peralta
Committer: Juan José Scarafía
Commit: ingadhoc-account-financial-tools:67644ba4  
Subject: [ADD] stock_account_ux: Add stock_account_ux module
Author: Rocío Vega
Committer: Rocío Vega
Commit: ingadhoc-stock:db019d2a  
Subject: [FIX]stock_ux: label_transfer_template
Author: mav-adhoc
Committer: mav-adhoc
Commit: ingadhoc-uruguay:261ff883  
Subject: [ADD] l10n_uy_edi: do not encode latin the cfe xml
Author: Katherine Zaoral
Committer: Katherine Zaoral
Commit: ingadhoc-odoo-argentina:86c55603  
Subject: [FIX] l10n_ar_ux: eliminar método _check_duplicate_supplier_reference en account move
Author: Pablo Montenegro
Committer: Pablo Montenegro
Commit: ingadhoc-account-payment:58cd91e4  
Subject: [FIX] _group: fix default_company sent to pay lines
Author: Juan José Scarafia
Committer: Juan José Scarafia
Commit: ingadhoc-product:86f12964  
Subject: [FIX] _management_group: usage with ecommerce + sale quoation
Author: Juan José Scarafia
Committer: Juan José Scarafia
Commit: ingadhoc-ingadhoc-demo:133bc57b  
Subject: [FIX]base_demo:add values to demo provider's fields
Author: Alexis
Committer: Alexis
Commit: ingadhoc-website:57070794  
Subject: [ADD] website_sale_three_discounts: add new module
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: ingadhoc-purchase:8763eeeb  
Subject: [FIX]purchase_stock_ux:domain in method
Author: Juan Ignacio Carreras
Committer: Juan Ignacio Carreras
Commit: ingadhoc-project:4183dd51  
Subject: [ADD] project_ux: tasks stages page in project form
Author: mav-adhoc
Committer: mav-adhoc
Commit: ingadhoc-multi-company:1d200174  
Subject: [FIX] account_accountant_ux: allow to modify draft invoice company to a foreign company
Author: Rocío Vega
Committer: Rocío Vega
Commit: plugberry-payment:84cfddee  
Subject: [UPD][pos_payway]: Updating addons.
Author: ernesto
Committer: ernesto
Commit: ingadhoc-aeroo_reports:363afaec  
Subject: [FIX] aeroo_report: get_lang from environment
Author: augusto-weiss
Committer: augusto-weiss
Commit: ingadhoc-partner:318548ec  
Subject: [FIX] partner_state: users perm
Author: mav-adhoc
Committer: mav-adhoc
Commit: plugberry-pagos360:a2f07e9f  
Subject: [IMP] payment_pagos360: cancel payment in pagos360
Author: augusto-weiss
Committer: augusto-weiss
Commit: plugberry-mercadopago:c9547149  
Subject: [IMP] Fix Refund method
Author: Martin Quinteros
Committer: Martin Quinteros
Commit: ingadhoc-account-invoicing:0bea9d5c  
Subject: [FIX]account_invoice_control: allow edit invoice
Author: Camila Vives
Committer: Camila Vives
Commit: ingadhoc-delivery:231bd588  
Subject: [IMP]delivery_andreani: method to add data in obs field
Author: Alexis
Committer: Alexis
Commit: ingadhoc-multi-store:44af7531  
Subject: [FIX] _pay_group_ms: pay choosing custom debt
Author: Juan José Scarafia
Committer: Juan José Scarafia
Commit: ingadhoc-hr:46cb8641  
Subject: [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex adhoc-odoo-16-0
Author: ADHOC - Bot
Committer: ADHOC - Bot
Commit: adhoc-cicd-odoo-odoo:476cf633  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/112460/head' of into 16.0-7205
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-brand:82336864  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Author: Rodrigo Macedo
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-account-invoicing:21c9e1e0  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Author: kikopeiro
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-bank-statement-import:3a30840e  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/687/head' of into 16.0-7211
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-odoo-design-themes:e69120f1  
Subject: [I18N] Update translation terms from Transifex
Author: Odoo Translation Bot
Committer: Odoo Translation Bot
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-crm:23f01136  
Subject: [BOT] post-merge updates
Author: OCA-git-bot
Committer: OCA-git-bot
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-e-commerce:bb6d0bfd  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/694/head' of into 16.0-7116
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-odoo-enterprise:41a43f5e  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/45936/head' of into 16.0-7203
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-stock-logistics-workflow:5a720d2a  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Author: Rodrigo Macedo
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-stock-logistics-warehouse:4e93d0d8  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/1701/head' of into 16.0-7100
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-knowledge:e6173041  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Author: Sergio Ariel Ameghino
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-management-system:65a72b93  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/571/head' of into 16.0-7089
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-manufacture:08b119b3  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Author: Rodrigo Macedo
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-mis-builder:26126338  
Subject: [FIX] mis_builder: use sudo when calling ir.ui.view
Author: Camila Vives
Committer: Camila Vives
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-product-attribute:b63a215f  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/1237/head' of into 16.0-7118
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-partner-contact:f7989b48  
Subject: [BOT] post-merge updates
Author: OCA-git-bot
Committer: OCA-git-bot
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-report-print-send:91ae4301  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-reporting-engine:604ec7bc  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Author: Rodrigo Macedo
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-sale-workflow:2292a777  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/2683/head' of into 16.0-7179
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-server-backend:62d0f774  
Subject: Update translation files
Author: Weblate
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-server-auth:b7c454d2  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Author: Rodrigo Macedo
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-server-tools:43deac31  
Subject: Update translation files
Author: Weblate
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-server-ux:dd35deeb  
Subject: Update translation files
Author: Weblate
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-stock-logistics-barcode:b2f21275  
Subject: [IMP] update dotfiles
Author: oca-git-bot
Committer: oca-git-bot
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-social:c88d3600  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/1020/head' of into 16.0-7172
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-stock-logistics-request:fe81b6be  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-stock-logistics-availability:5549c34f  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Author: Rodrigo Macedo
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-account-analytic:67c73ff3  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/511/head' of into 16.0-7106
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-web:62542a61  
Subject: [BOT] post-merge updates
Author: OCA-git-bot
Committer: OCA-git-bot
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-website:8ce9b91c  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Portuguese (Brazil))
Author: Rodrigo Macedo
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-account-reconcile:8e1bda86  
Subject: Update translation files
Author: Weblate
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-purchase-workflow:b8984b82  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/1814/head' of into 16.0-7186
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-project:a7e19654  
Subject: Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Author: mymage
Committer: Weblate
Commit: adhoc-cicd-oca-product-pack:c4451b85  
Subject: Merge commit 'refs/pull/114/head' of into 16.0-7119
Author: docker-odoo
Committer: docker-odoo
Version: 16.0
Config: Adhoc Conf for demo (y personalizaciones) con load l10n_ar_demo
Total time: 7m
Date Level Type Message
2024-05-31 09:07:20 INFO runbot Init build environment with config Adhoc Conf for demo (y personalizaciones) con load l10n_ar_demo
2024-05-31 09:07:20 Starting step all_no_test from config Adhoc Conf for demo (y personalizaciones) con load l10n_ar_demo
2024-05-31 09:07:20 INFO runbot Using Dockerfile Tag odoo:adhoc-odoo-16
2024-05-31 09:07:42 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 1 modules loaded in 9.73s, 9027 queries (+9027 extra)
2024-05-31 09:12:19 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:40 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: (UY) Company
2024-05-31 09:12:38 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:40 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: (UY) Company
2024-05-31 09:12:57 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:40 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: (UY) Company
2024-05-31 09:12:57 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_ar_currency_update.models.res_company:46 Currency Provider configured as AFIP for next companies: (AR) Exento
2024-05-31 09:12:57 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:40 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: (UY) Company
2024-05-31 09:12:57 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_ar_currency_update.models.res_company:46 Currency Provider configured as AFIP for next companies: (AR) Exento, (AR) Monotributista
2024-05-31 09:12:57 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:40 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: (UY) Company
2024-05-31 09:12:57 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_ar_currency_update.models.res_company:46 Currency Provider configured as AFIP for next companies: (AR) Exento, (AR) Monotributista, (AR) Responsable Inscripto
2024-05-31 09:13:16 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_ar_edi.models.res_company:216 Setting demo certificate from to OdooCert7 in (AR) Responsable Inscripto company
2024-05-31 09:13:16 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_ar_edi.models.res_company:216 Setting demo certificate from to OdooCert1 in (AR) Monotributista company
2024-05-31 09:13:16 INFO server odoo.addons.l10n_ar_edi.models.res_company:216 Setting demo certificate from to OdooCert2 in (AR) Exento company
2024-05-31 09:14:14 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 278 modules loaded in 386.43s, 190676 queries (+190834 extra)
2024-05-31 09:14:14 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 279 modules loaded in 0.66s, 212 queries (+212 extra)
2024-05-31 09:14:27 Step all_no_test finished in 7m
2024-05-31 09:14:27 Starting step setup from config Adhoc Conf for demo (y personalizaciones) con load l10n_ar_demo
2024-05-31 09:14:27 INFO runbot Using Dockerfile Tag odoo:adhoc-odoo-16
2024-05-31 09:14:29 INFO runbot Step setup finished in 1s
2024-05-31 09:14:29 Starting step run from config Adhoc Conf for demo (y personalizaciones) con load l10n_ar_demo
2024-05-31 09:14:29 INFO runbot Start running build 55727-16-0
2024-05-31 09:14:29 INFO runbot Using Dockerfile Tag odoo:adhoc-odoo-16
2024-05-31 09:14:35 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 1 modules loaded in 0.01s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2024-05-31 09:14:44 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 279 modules loaded in 5.56s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2024-05-31 09:14:51 ERROR server odoo.addons.saas_client_adhoc.wizards.db_configuration:26
Error Updating ADHOC Modules Data. Error:
Not Provider url or saas database uuid configured
2024-06-01 05:09:43 ERROR server odoo.addons.base.models.ir_cron:400
Call from cron Saas Client Database Backup for server action #335 failed in Job #15
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/data/build/adhoc-cicd-odoo-odoo/odoo/addons/base/models/", line 391, in _callback
  File "/data/build/adhoc-cicd-odoo-odoo/odoo/addons/base/models/", line 674, in run
    res = runner(run_self, eval_context=eval_context)
  File "/data/build/adhoc-cicd-odoo-odoo/addons/website/models/", line 61, in _run_action_code_multi
    res = super(ServerAction, self)._run_action_code_multi(eval_context)
  File "/data/build/adhoc-cicd-odoo-odoo/odoo/addons/base/models/", line 544, in _run_action_code_multi
    safe_eval(self.code.strip(), eval_context, mode="exec", nocopy=True, filename=str(self))  # nocopy allows to return 'action'
  File "/data/build/adhoc-cicd-odoo-odoo/odoo/tools/", line 390, in safe_eval
    return unsafe_eval(c, globals_dict, locals_dict)
  File "ir.actions.server(335,)", line 1, in <module>
  File "/data/build/ingadhoc-ingadhoc-odoo-saas/saas_client/wizards/", line 101, in cron_backup_database
  File "/data/build/ingadhoc-ingadhoc-odoo-saas/saas_client/wizards/", line 133, in backup_database
    storage_type = self.get_bucket_type()
  File "/data/build/ingadhoc-ingadhoc-odoo-saas/saas_client/wizards/", line 66, in get_bucket_type
    raise ValidationError(_('No hay bucket configurado'))
odoo.exceptions.ValidationError: No hay bucket configurado
2024-06-01 09:09:38 ERROR server odoo.addons.saas_client_adhoc.wizards.db_configuration:26
Error Updating ADHOC Modules Data. Error:
Not Provider url or saas database uuid configured
2024-06-01 12:09:28 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (23) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:11:28 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (27) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:13:31 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (29) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:15:31 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (31) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:17:30 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (33) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:19:28 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (35) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:21:28 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (37) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:23:28 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (39) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:25:32 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (41) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:27:31 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (43) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:29:31 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (45) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:31:29 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (47) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:33:29 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (49) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:35:29 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (51) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:37:32 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (53) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:39:32 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (55) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:41:29 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (57) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:43:29 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (59) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:45:34 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (61) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:47:32 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (63) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:49:31 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (65) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:51:32 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (67) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:53:34 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (69) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:55:34 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (71) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:57:34 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (73) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 12:59:31 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (75) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:01:31 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (77) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:03:31 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (79) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:05:34 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (81) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:07:34 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (83) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:09:34 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (85) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:11:32 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (87) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:13:32 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (89) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:15:32 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (91) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:17:35 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (93) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:19:34 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (95) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:21:34 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (97) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:23:32 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (99) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:25:32 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (101) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:27:35 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (103) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:29:35 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (105) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:31:35 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (107) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:33:33 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (109) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:35:33 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (111) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:37:33 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (113) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:39:36 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (115) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:41:36 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (117) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:43:36 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (119) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:45:34 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (121) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:47:34 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (123) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:49:34 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (125) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:51:37 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (127) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:53:37 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (129) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:55:37 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (131) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:57:34 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (133) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 13:59:34 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (135) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:01:34 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (137) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:03:37 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (139) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:05:37 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (141) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:07:37 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (143) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:09:34 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (145) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:11:34 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (147) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:13:38 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (149) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:15:37 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (151) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:17:37 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (153) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:19:35 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (155) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:21:35 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (157) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:23:40 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (159) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:25:37 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (161) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:27:37 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (163) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:29:37 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (165) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:31:40 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (167) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:33:40 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (169) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:35:40 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (171) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:37:37 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (173) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:39:37 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (175) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:41:37 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (177) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:43:40 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (179) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:45:39 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (181) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:47:40 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (183) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:49:38 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (185) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:51:38 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (187) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:53:38 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (189) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:55:41 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (191) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:57:41 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (193) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 14:59:45 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (195) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 15:01:40 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (197) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 15:03:40 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (199) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 15:05:38 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (201) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 15:07:37 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (203) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 15:09:43 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (205) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 15:11:41 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (207) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 15:13:41 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (209) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 15:15:41 ERROR server odoo.service.server:886 WorkerCron (211) timeout after 120s
2024-06-01 15:17:38 Log limit reached (full logs are still available in the log file)
2024-06-03 11:51:38 INFO runbot Kill build 55727-16-0
2024-06-03 12:18:46 Waking up build
2024-06-03 12:18:46 INFO runbot Start running build 55727-16-0
2024-06-03 12:18:46 INFO runbot Using Dockerfile Tag odoo:adhoc-odoo-16
2024-06-03 12:18:46 ERROR runbot Failed waking up build
2024-06-03 12:18:53 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 1 modules loaded in 0.01s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2024-06-03 12:18:53 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 279 modules loaded in 3.38s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2024-06-03 12:21:30 Waking up build
2024-06-03 12:21:30 INFO runbot Start running build 55727-16-0
2024-06-03 12:21:30 INFO runbot Using Dockerfile Tag odoo:adhoc-odoo-16
2024-06-03 12:21:30 ERROR runbot Failed waking up build
2024-06-03 12:21:37 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 1 modules loaded in 0.01s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2024-06-03 12:21:37 INFO server odoo.modules.loading:303 279 modules loaded in 2.86s, 0 queries (+0 extra)
2024-06-03 12:22:55 Waking up failed, docker is already running
2024-06-03 12:34:04 ERROR server odoo.sql_db:324
bad query: 
                WITH visitor AS (
            INSERT INTO website_visitor (
                partner_id, access_token, last_connection_datetime, visit_count, lang_id,
                website_id, timezone, write_uid, create_uid, write_date, create_date, country_id)
            VALUES (
                NULL, '1442738fe14a84bdec020a0e8ff90166', now() at time zone 'UTC', 1, 1,
                1, NULL, 4, 4,
                now() at time zone 'UTC', now() at time zone 'UTC', (
                    SELECT id FROM res_country WHERE code = NULL
            ON CONFLICT (access_token)
            DO UPDATE SET
                visit_count = CASE WHEN website_visitor.last_connection_datetime < NOW() AT TIME ZONE 'UTC' - INTERVAL '8 hours'
                                    THEN website_visitor.visit_count + 1
                                    ELSE website_visitor.visit_count
            RETURNING id, CASE WHEN create_date = now() at time zone 'UTC' THEN 'inserted' ELSE 'updated' END AS upsert
        , '' AS url, 4 AS page_id
                ), track AS (
                    INSERT INTO website_track (visitor_id, url, page_id, visit_datetime)
                    SELECT id, url, page_id::integer, now() at time zone 'UTC' FROM visitor
                SELECT id, upsert from visitor;
ERROR: could not serialize access due to concurrent update
2024-06-04 05:08:53 ERROR server odoo.addons.base.models.ir_cron:400
Call from cron Saas Client Database Backup for server action #335 failed in Job #15
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/data/build/adhoc-cicd-odoo-odoo/odoo/addons/base/models/", line 391, in _callback
  File "/data/build/adhoc-cicd-odoo-odoo/odoo/addons/base/models/", line 674, in run
    res = runner(run_self, eval_context=eval_context)
  File "/data/build/adhoc-cicd-odoo-odoo/addons/website/models/", line 61, in _run_action_code_multi
    res = super(ServerAction, self)._run_action_code_multi(eval_context)
  File "/data/build/adhoc-cicd-odoo-odoo/odoo/addons/base/models/", line 544, in _run_action_code_multi
    safe_eval(self.code.strip(), eval_context, mode="exec", nocopy=True, filename=str(self))  # nocopy allows to return 'action'
  File "/data/build/adhoc-cicd-odoo-odoo/odoo/tools/", line 390, in safe_eval
    return unsafe_eval(c, globals_dict, locals_dict)
  File "ir.actions.server(335,)", line 1, in <module>
  File "/data/build/ingadhoc-ingadhoc-odoo-saas/saas_client/wizards/", line 101, in cron_backup_database
  File "/data/build/ingadhoc-ingadhoc-odoo-saas/saas_client/wizards/", line 133, in backup_database
    storage_type = self.get_bucket_type()
  File "/data/build/ingadhoc-ingadhoc-odoo-saas/saas_client/wizards/", line 66, in get_bucket_type
    raise ValidationError(_('No hay bucket configurado'))
odoo.exceptions.ValidationError: No hay bucket configurado
2024-06-04 09:09:55 ERROR server odoo.addons.saas_client_adhoc.wizards.db_configuration:26
Error Updating ADHOC Modules Data. Error:
Not Provider url or saas database uuid configured
2024-06-04 18:44:47 INFO runbot Kill build 55727-16-0