Date | Level | Type | Message |
2024-11-26 13:13:29 | INFO | runbot | Init build environment with config Adhoc Conf con tests |
2024-11-26 13:13:29 | Starting step base from config Adhoc Conf con tests | ||
2024-11-26 13:13:29 | INFO | runbot | Using Dockerfile Tag odoo:adhoc-odoo-16 |
2024-11-26 13:14:03 | INFO | server | odoo.modules.loading:305 1 modules loaded in 10.77s, 9028 queries (+9028 extra) |
2024-11-26 13:14:09 | INFO | server | odoo.modules.loading:305 14 modules loaded in 6.14s, 5292 queries (+5292 extra) |
2024-11-26 13:14:16 | Step base finished in 40s | ||
2024-11-26 13:14:16 | Starting step all from config Adhoc Conf con tests | ||
2024-11-26 13:14:16 | INFO | runbot | Using Dockerfile Tag odoo:adhoc-odoo-16 |
2024-11-26 13:14:42 | INFO | server | odoo.modules.loading:305 1 modules loaded in 11.00s, 9028 queries (+9028 extra) |
2024-11-26 13:23:39 | INFO | server | odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:41 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: (UY) Company |
2024-11-26 13:25:18 | INFO | server | odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:41 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: (UY) Company |
2024-11-26 13:27:30 | INFO | server | odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:41 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: (UY) Company |
2024-11-26 13:27:30 | INFO | server | odoo.addons.l10n_ar_currency_update.models.res_company:46 Currency Provider configured as AFIP for next companies: (AR) Exento |
2024-11-26 13:27:32 | INFO | server | odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:41 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: (UY) Company |
2024-11-26 13:27:32 | INFO | server | odoo.addons.l10n_ar_currency_update.models.res_company:46 Currency Provider configured as AFIP for next companies: (AR) Exento, (AR) Monotributista |
2024-11-26 13:27:35 | INFO | server | odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:41 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: (UY) Company |
2024-11-26 13:27:35 | INFO | server | odoo.addons.l10n_ar_currency_update.models.res_company:46 Currency Provider configured as AFIP for next companies: (AR) Exento, (AR) Monotributista, (AR) Responsable Inscripto |
2024-11-26 13:27:50 | INFO | server | odoo.addons.l10n_ar_edi.models.res_company:216 Setting demo certificate from to OdooCert4 in (AR) Responsable Inscripto company |
2024-11-26 13:27:50 | INFO | server | odoo.addons.l10n_ar_edi.models.res_company:216 Setting demo certificate from to OdooCert1 in (AR) Monotributista company |
2024-11-26 13:27:50 | INFO | server | odoo.addons.l10n_ar_edi.models.res_company:216 Setting demo certificate from to OdooCert4 in (AR) Exento company |
2024-11-26 13:29:18 | INFO | server | odoo.modules.loading:305 651 modules loaded in 863.91s, 348765 queries (+353158 extra) |
2024-11-26 13:29:18 | INFO | server | odoo.modules.loading:305 652 modules loaded in 1.26s, 245 queries (+245 extra) |
2024-11-26 13:29:23 | INFO | server | odoo.addons.base.models.ir_qweb:305 Pregenerating assets bundles |
2024-11-26 13:30:06 | INFO | server | 61 bundle(s) were copied for website 1 |
2024-11-26 13:30:12 | INFO | server | odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:41 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: Muebleria UY |
2024-11-26 13:30:12 | INFO | server | odoo.addons.l10n_ar_currency_update.models.res_company:46 Currency Provider configured as AFIP for next companies: (AR) Exento, Muebleria ARG, company_2_data |
2024-11-26 13:30:12 | INFO | server | odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:41 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: Muebleria UY |
2024-11-26 13:30:12 | INFO | server | odoo.addons.l10n_ar_currency_update.models.res_company:46 Currency Provider configured as AFIP for next companies: (AR) Exento, Muebleria ARG, company_1_data, company_2_data |
2024-11-26 13:30:17 | INFO | server | odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:41 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: Muebleria UY |
2024-11-26 13:30:17 | INFO | server | odoo.addons.l10n_ar_currency_update.models.res_company:46 Currency Provider configured as AFIP for next companies: (AR) Exento, (AR) Monotributista (Unit Tests), (AR) Responsable Inscripto (Unit Tests), Muebleria ARG, company_2_data |
2024-11-26 13:31:03 | INFO | server | odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:41 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: Muebleria UY |
2024-11-26 13:31:03 | INFO | server | odoo.addons.l10n_ar_currency_update.models.res_company:46 Currency Provider configured as AFIP for next companies: (AR) Exento, Muebleria ARG, company_2_data |
2024-11-26 13:31:09 | INFO | server | odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:41 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: Muebleria UY |
2024-11-26 13:31:09 | INFO | server | odoo.addons.l10n_ar_currency_update.models.res_company:46 Currency Provider configured as AFIP for next companies: (AR) Exento, Muebleria ARG, company_1_data, company_2_data |
2024-11-26 13:31:14 | INFO | server | odoo.addons.l10n_uy_currency_update.models.res_company:41 Currency Provider configured as BCU for next companies: Muebleria UY |
2024-11-26 13:31:14 | INFO | server | odoo.addons.l10n_ar_currency_update.models.res_company:46 Currency Provider configured as AFIP for next companies: (AR) Exento, (AR) Monotributista (Unit Tests), (AR) Responsable Inscripto (Unit Tests), Muebleria ARG, company_2_data |
2024-11-26 13:32:23 | INFO | runbot | Getting results for build 94952-16-0 |
2024-11-26 13:32:23 | Step all finished in 18m | ||
2024-11-26 13:32:23 | Starting step setup from config Adhoc Conf con tests | ||
2024-11-26 13:32:23 | INFO | runbot | Using Dockerfile Tag odoo:adhoc-odoo-16 |
2024-11-26 13:32:25 | INFO | runbot | Step setup finished in 1s |
2024-11-26 13:32:25 | Starting step run from config Adhoc Conf con tests | ||
2024-11-26 13:32:25 | INFO | runbot | Start running build 94952-16-0 |
2024-11-26 13:32:25 | INFO | runbot | Using Dockerfile Tag odoo:adhoc-odoo-16 |
2024-11-26 13:32:31 | INFO | server | odoo.modules.loading:305 1 modules loaded in 0.01s, 0 queries (+0 extra) |
2024-11-26 13:32:31 | INFO | server | odoo.modules.loading:305 14 modules loaded in 0.11s, 0 queries (+0 extra) |
2024-11-26 13:35:19 | INFO | server | odoo.modules.loading:305 1 modules loaded in 0.01s, 0 queries (+0 extra) |
2024-11-26 13:35:24 | INFO | server | odoo.modules.loading:305 1 modules loaded in 0.01s, 0 queries (+0 extra) |
2024-11-26 13:35:24 | INFO | server | odoo.modules.loading:305 652 modules loaded in 5.59s, 0 queries (+0 extra) |
2024-11-26 13:35:30 | INFO | server | odoo.modules.loading:305 652 modules loaded in 5.69s, 0 queries (+0 extra) |
2024-11-26 13:36:59 | INFO | server | odoo.modules.loading:305 1 modules loaded in 0.01s, 0 queries (+0 extra) |
2024-11-26 13:37:06 | INFO | server | odoo.modules.loading:305 652 modules loaded in 5.72s, 0 queries (+0 extra) |
2024-11-26 14:23:55 | WARNING | server | odoo.http:2084 Before adding quantities, you need to create and confirm the gathering invoice. |
2024-11-26 14:24:12 | WARNING | server | odoo.http:2084 Before adding quantities, you need to create and confirm the gathering invoice. |
2024-11-26 17:44:48 | WARNING | server | odoo.http:2084 The gathering balance will be negative (-178.6), you cannot make this modification to the order. Order: V 0001-00000073 |
2024-11-26 17:44:59 | WARNING | server | odoo.http:2084 The gathering balance will be negative (-70.5), you cannot make this modification to the order. Order: V 0001-00000073 |
2024-11-26 17:45:16 | WARNING | server | odoo.http:2084 The gathering balance will be negative (-70.5), you cannot make this modification to the order. Order: V 0001-00000073 |
2024-11-26 17:59:15 | WARNING | server | odoo.http:732 <function odoo.addons.stock_voucher_ux.controllers.main.report_download> called ignoring args {'token'} |
2024-11-26 18:01:47 | WARNING | server | odoo.http:2084 El valor del importe del anticipo debe ser positivo. |
2024-11-26 18:01:53 | WARNING | server | odoo.http:2084 El valor del importe del anticipo debe ser positivo. |
2024-11-26 18:01:53 | WARNING | server |
¡No hay nada que facturar! Los motivos de este comportamiento pueden ser: - Debe entregar sus productos antes de facturarlos. - Debe modificar la política de facturación de su producto: abra el producto, vaya a la pestaña "Ventas" y modifique la política de facturación de "cantidades entregadas" a "cantidades pedidas". En el caso de los servicios, deberá modificar la política de facturación de servicios a "Prepago". |
2024-11-26 18:02:07 | WARNING | server | odoo.http:2084 El valor del importe del anticipo debe ser positivo. |
2024-11-26 18:02:08 | WARNING | server |
¡No hay nada que facturar! Los motivos de este comportamiento pueden ser: - Debe entregar sus productos antes de facturarlos. - Debe modificar la política de facturación de su producto: abra el producto, vaya a la pestaña "Ventas" y modifique la política de facturación de "cantidades entregadas" a "cantidades pedidas". En el caso de los servicios, deberá modificar la política de facturación de servicios a "Prepago". |
2024-11-26 18:07:07 | WARNING | server | odoo.models:6312 onchange method PurchaseOrderLine.onchange_product_id returned a domain, this is deprecated |
2024-11-26 18:11:43 | WARNING | server | odoo.http:2084 No se puede validar una transferencia si no se reservan ni se hacen cantidades. Para forzar la transferencia, cambie al modo de edición y codifique las cantidades realizadas. |
2024-11-26 22:53:11 | WARNING | server | odoo.addons.base.models.ir_qweb:2049 Found deprecated directive @t-raw='toc.get_facetFilters()' in template 2950. Replace by @t-out, and explicitely wrap content in `Markup` if necessary (which likely is not the case) |
2024-11-26 23:05:03 | WARNING | server | odoo.addons.base.models.ir_qweb:2049 Found deprecated directive @t-raw='toc.get_facetFilters()' in template 2950. Replace by @t-out, and explicitely wrap content in `Markup` if necessary (which likely is not the case) |
2024-11-26 23:07:43 | WARNING | server | odoo.addons.base.models.ir_qweb:2049 Found deprecated directive @t-raw='toc.get_facetFilters()' in template 2950. Replace by @t-out, and explicitely wrap content in `Markup` if necessary (which likely is not the case) |
2024-11-27 15:52:17 | INFO | runbot | Kill build 94952-16-0 |